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AEW All In: August 25, 2024
by Doc Allen

Live from Wembley Stadium in London, England. WrestleTix estimates attendance at 53,393. Excalibur, Tony Shiavone, Taz, and Nigel McGuinness are on commentary.
AEW World Trios Championship (Ladder Match):
The Patriarchy © (Christian Cage, Nick Wayne, and Killswitch) vs. The Blackpool Combat Club (Claudio Castagnoli, Wheeler Yuta, and Pac) vs. The House of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King, and Buddy Matthews) vs. The Bang Bang Gang (Juice Robinson and The Gunns)
No entrances, they don't have a second to spare in this broadcast. Christian runs away. Regular mayhem at the bell, they quickly transition to fighting over a ladder. Everyone then gathers around so guys can take turns diving outside. The fans really like Pac's Red Arrow to the floor! The Gunns give Pac the WASSUP diving headbutt. King clotheslines the Gunns and sprints into a massive tope suicida. Everyone is down, so Christian rushes back to climb, but Claudio and Buddy hip toss him into a gang beatdown. Mother Wayne decides to climb, the Gunns talk her out of it. Killswitch throws a CHOKESLAM PARTAY! Nick sneaks back to give King a Wayne's World through a table. Christian stops Killswitch from winning, because he wants the glory, and it costs them as the other teams recover. The House of Black give Yuta a triple cannonball, Claudio single handedly takes out the Gunns. Claudio gives Juice the Big Swing, Yuta assists with a dropkick, and Pac hits the Red Arrow. Claudio and King climb the ladder with Gunns on their backs and hit stereo backdrops through tables! Fans chant “AEW!” Wayne cleans up the scraps until Black bonks a ladder into his forehead. Wayne recovers to give Black a diving Destroyer through a table! Juice climbs an oversized ladder, Christian tips him over. Pac takes a Killswitch through a chair. Christian sprays Yuta in the eyes. Juice uses a chair to block Mother Wayne's hairspray and gives her a taste of her own medicine. Juice prepares to put Mother Wayne through a table, but Killswitch rescues her with a big boot. Fans chant “Luchasaurus!” Buddy stops Christian's climb and DDT's him through a table! Killswitch carries Christian up on his shoulders, but Pac stops them with a makeshift Electric Chair and wins at 18:51! Nothing revolutionary about this ladder match, even though everyone worked hard and there were a number of dangerous bumps. I do appreciate the storyline satisfaction of The Patriarchy suffering some comeuppance and Pac gettins the homeland victory, ***½.
Winners and new AEW World Trios Champions: Pac, Claudio Castagnoli, and Wheeler Yuta
AEW Women's World Championship:
Toni Storm © (with Luther) vs. Mariah May
Fans are hot for this grudge match at the bell. Toni holds back tears before they start with a hockey fight. Shotgun dropkick by May, the fans give Toni a soccer chant. Mina Shirakawa is spotted watching with a concerned look on her face. Toni wins a chopfest and blasts a DDT. May answers with a powerbomb from the apron! Mariah spits in Luther's face and goes to work on Toni's spine. Toni finds an opening, but Mariah answers with a flying knee strike. May plants a kiss on Nigel and dropkicks Luther into the rails. May heels it up an extra notch by SLAPPING HER OWN MOTHER! Toni takes advantage with a desperate piledriver on the steps! Toni gives Mother May a hug, perhaps they should start a Matriarchy stable. Mariah has been busted open, Toni targets the wound. Sitout powerbomb by Storm gets 2. May comes back with a missile dropkick and hip attacks. May tries one too many hip attacks and Toni blasts a lariat and German suplex. Hip attack by Toni, then Storm Zero, but May kicks out! May flips the bird and they slug it out. They trade low blows and headbutts, earning an ovation and “This is awesome” chants. Mariah hits MayDay for a nice nearfall. Luther stops May from grabbing the belt, so she grabs a shoe. Toni disarms her but can't bring herself to using it. May capitalizes with a pair of KO shots and Storm Zero to win at 15:15! Booooo! That's a productively heartbreaking way to end Toni's reign. Some might complain about making Toni lose in London, but it's early, and the match was awesome, ****.
Winner and new AEW Women's World Champion: Mariah May
May laughs maniacally as she grasps her new title. Toni stumbles to her feet and manages some weak dancing while the fans give her another soccer chant (Editor's Note: "ahem, it's football, ya' bloody Yank").
FTW Championship:
Chris Jericho © (with The Learning Tree) vs. Hook
Fozzy is here to play Jericho's music. Hook is sporting an eye patch, Jericho recently used his wizarding powers to summon a fireball. Big Bill and Bryan Keith help Jericho assault Hook from the very start. Codebreaker only gets 1. Hook suplexes Keith and dumps out Bill. Hook takes Jericho to Suplex City. Jericho answers with a Lionsault for 2. Jericho drops cricket balls around the ring, Hook counters with a back suplex. Hook finds a cricket bat and runs wild. He throws the balls at Jericho, which is far more amusing than I can describe. Hook hits a cricket bat suplex. Keith ambushes Hook with a trash lid, Jericho applies the Walls. Hook fights out and steals the Walls for himself, Big Bill breaks it. Hook blocks a chokeslam through a wired table, but Jericho thumbs his good eye. Jericho smashes a can over the blinded Hook. Jericho misses the Judas Effect, Hook nails a T-bone suplex. Hook removes the eye patch, HE CAN SEE! Big Bill interferes again and Jericho inadvertently smashes him through a table. Jericho shoves Hook into Keith's weapon shot for a close nearfall. Hook grabs Red Rum, Taz puts Keith into the Tazmission while Jericho submits at 10:15! Crowd popped huge for Taz, pretty much everything else here was death, **.
Winner and new FTW Champion: Hook
AEW Tag Team Championship:
The Young Bucks © (Matthew and Nicholas Jackson) vs. FTR (Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler) vs. The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens and Max Caster, with Daddy A$$ Billy Gunn)
The Bucks are cosplaying as Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, but remain heels by claiming to have had more hits than The Beatles. The Bucks are happy to let FTX and The Acclaimed start. Their opponents realize what's going on and team up to clean house. The Bucks find an opportunity to trap Cash and pick him apart. Cash can't tag Dax, so Bowens gets the hot tag instead. The Acclaimed give the Bucks a double dose of SCISSOR ME TIMBERS! Dax sneaks in for rolling Germans, including a nasty suplex on both Bucks! The fans aren't half as impressed with that spot as I am. The match breaks down, everyone stumbles up for triple clotheslines. The Bucks build some steam, Nicholas moonsaults onto the Acclaimed, FTR surprise Matthew with The Shatter Machine! Nicholas removes the ref, Gunn chases him into a superkick ambush. The Bucks run wild, Matthew talks Caster into assisting in an EVP Trigger. Bowens hits a Blockbuster to break up a pinfall. The fans have woken up over the past 3 minutes or so. The Bucks hit stereo low blows, pump up the shoes, and throw a SUPERKICK PARTAAAAY! The Bucks grab the belts, Gunn cuts them off with a Fame-asser! The Acclaimed give Matthew the Arrival and Mic Drop, Nicholas breaks the pinfall! FTR clear the ring, Cash takes the Acclaimed out with a tope. Dax suffers a belt shot, the EVP Trigger, and eats a pin at 13:35! This started out cold but pulled the fans in along the way. These guys were making a good case for why they're tag team stars before the abrupt ending, ***¼.
Winners and still AEW Tag Team Champions: The Young Bucks
The Grizzled Young Vets march into the ring to put The Young Bucks on notice and also beat up FTR.
Casino Gauntlet Match:
Winner gets a Money in the Bank-style title shot. They're really working hard to get as much people on this card as possible.
Orange Cassidy seemingly gets dropped down by a UFO and starts against Continental Champion
Kazuchika Okada. The fans LOVE Okada and makes me question why he's continuing to be used as a Young Bucks lackey. They share a hug, but Okada quickly gets violent. Cassidy blocks the Rainmaker with his pocket and flips into a dropkick. Okada hits a flapjack,
NIGEL MCGUINNESS makes an in-ring return to a GINORMOUS ovation. What a beautiful moment! Nigel and Okada go to battle while I mark out. OC interrupts and eats Nigel's lariat.
Kyle O'Reilly is out next and eagerly squares off with Nigel. Basically anyone Nigel tangles with is a dream match scenario. Cassidy hits Nigel with Stundog Millionaire, Kyle helps him hit Okada with Total Elimination.
Zack Sabre Jr. joins the match, and gets another massive ovation. ZSJ cleans house, but finds himself nose to nose with Nigel while the fans chant "Holy $hit!" This match is giving me all the feels. Okada interrupts and gives ZSJ his patented neckbreaker. Elbow drop by Okada and the middle finger salute. ZSJ pretzels Okada's legs and puts Kyle into an abdominal stretch.
Roderick Strong joins the fun and runs wild. ROH World Champion
Mark Briscoe is next and also runs wild with his redneck kung fu. Mark leaps off a chair for a somersault senton outside.
Hangman Adam Page comes out to end Mark's hot streak. He single handedly destroys The Conglomeration. OC blocks the Buckshot, but eats Deadeye!
Jeff Jarrett (with Karen Jarrett) is out next and has revenge on his mind for Hangman. Jarrett brawls with Hangman, but has to stop to fight off everyone else. The fans LOVE Jarrett, who thought I'd ever type that? Sadly, Hangman powerbombs Jarrett outside onto everyone. Hangman grabs Karen's throat, but stops when
RICOCHET makes his entrance! The fans love Ricochet too and pop while he dominates Page and Strong. Ricochet nails a springboard Shooting Star Press to outside!
Christian Cage surprises as the next entrant and stumbles down the ramp, Ricochet greets him with a dive. Page blindsides Ricochet with the Buckshot, Okada calmly breaks the pin with a kick to the face. Hangman prepares a Buckshot, but Karen grabs his boot, allowing Jarreet to smash a guitar over his stupid head! Okada gives Jarrett a Rainmaker, ZSJ interrupts for an armbreaker, Cassidy steals the spotlight with an Orange Punch! Cassidy survives Sabre's pinning predicaments and hits an Orange Punch, Strong ambushes with the End of Heartache, Mark surprises with a froggy elbow! Mark blocks a Doomsday Device, Nigel returns for a Tower of London for only 2! Nigel lariats Strong, but Christian ambushes with a spear!
Luchasaurus is the next entrant, teases a chokeslam on Christian, but chokeslams Strong instead. Christian gets the cheap pinfall at 25:58! Oh my gawd, that was the $hittiest possible finish to one of the most emotionally cathartic matches I can ever remember. Ricochet, Nigel, and Okada had special moments here, it's kind of depressing that it was all setup for the next chapter of The Patriarchy. Otherwise, this was 25 minutes of crazy "anything can happen" action that made me feel young again. I've also learned to stop worrying and love this silly gimmick concept, ****¼.
Winner: Christian Cage
AEW International Championship:
MJF © vs. Will Ospreay
You won't believe this, but the fans love Ospreay too. They also properly hate MJF and his over-the-top disingenuous USA patriotism shtick. He presents a giant American flag but with his face instead of stars.These guys had a 60 minute match on Dynamite last month, I didn't review it, but I'd give it *****, and likely to be my MOTY for 2024. They start with a proper brawl. Eye rake by MJF, Ospreay answers with a slingshot senton. Sasuke Special by Ospreay, but MJF dodges the Hidden Blade. MJF gouges the eyes, rakes the back, and throws Ospreay into the rails. Ospreay runs into a devastating back body drop on the floor. Ospreay escapes a chinlock, MJF reverses a poison rana into a powerbomb to his knee! MJF mockingly hits a Kangaroo Kick, the fans can't decide if they love it or hate it. Ospreay blocks the Heatseeker and nails a Phenomenal Forearm. Ospreay finds an opening, but MJF pokes his eyes. MJF showboats too long and Ospreay nails a heel kick for 2. MJF blows his nose at Ospreay and suffers a standing corkscrew press. MJF reverses the Sasuke Special into a Piledriver! MJF taunts Ospreay for being a high flier and is rewarded with a Spanish Fly. Ospreay nails a draping Shooting Star Press, MJF KICKS OUT! MJF reverses Storm Breaker into Cross Rhodes! Ospreay counters into a Stunner and nails the Oscutter for a fantastic nearfall! Double springboard Oscutter, but MJF gets a convenient rope break. MJF answers with a quick piledriver for 2. Fans chant “This is awesome!” Ospreay eats a thrust kick but recovers with Stormbreaker, MJF KICKS OUT! Fans chant for a Tiger Driver, the hold that Ospreay has been refusing to use. MJF rolls away from a possible Hidden Blade, and dodges an Oscutter on the apron! MJF gleefully hits a Destroyer on the ring frame! Ospreay is almost counted out and collapses away from MJF's Hidden Blade. Ospreay blocks a Heatseeker and finally delivers the Oscutter onto the apron! Ospreay misses a flying Hidden Blade and takes out a cameraman! MJF misses a belt shot, Ospreay hits a back heel kick, but runs into a proper belt shot for only 2! Brainbuster by MJF but OSPREAY KICKS OUT! MJF misses a Hidden Blade, Ospreay inadvertently bonks him into the ref. MJF joyfully signals a Tiger Driver, Ospreay reverses and hesitates, so MJF nails a low blow! MJF pulls out some knucks but gets ambushed by a masked Daniel Garcia! MJF looks like he's seen a ghost and vows revenge. He doesn't see Ospreay recover for a Hidden Blade! He's finally willing to hit a Tiger Driver and wins at 25:48! They were never going to top the 60 minute match, but they came really close with the high emotions and the long awaited Tiger Driver. These guys have unbelievable chemistry and they shined again on this big stage, ****½.
Winner and new International Champion: Will Ospreay
Ospreay has no desire to touch MJF's vanity American belt, so Christopher Daniels gives him the proper International Championship. All is right in the world.
TBS Championship:
Mercedes Mone © (with Kamille) vs. Dr. Britt Baker
Mercedes arrives in the queen's golden chariot, accompanied by guards and some corgis. Britt shakes off some early interference, but Mone nails a dropkick. Mercedes escapes from Lockjaw and rests on Kamille's shoulders. They restart with some shaky chain wrestling. Kamille's distraction allows Mone to hit a backbreaker onto the buckles. Mone goes to work on the spine. She is allowed to hit all 3 Amigos for a nearfall. Mone nails double knees to the back, Britt fights upward, but Mone nails an avalanche body slam! Britt blocks a flying crossbody with her knees, but Mone reverses the Curb Stomp into a slick powerbomb! Desperation Diamond cutter by Britt gives them a breather. Mercedes misses a running knee, Britt nails a neckbreaker and Sling Blade. Butterfly slam by Britt gets 2. Mercedes blocks Lockjaw, steals Britt's glove, but gets surprised with an Air Raid Crash! Britt regains her glove, they exchange rapid counters, Mercedes hits a Backstabber. Fans give them dueling chants. Britt hits a gutsy avalanche power slam for only 2. Kamille helps Mone get a rope break, Mone nearly hits a belt shot. Britt tosses the belt to Kamille and plays dead so the ref ejects Kamille. The previously reserved crowd has come alive. Britt sells a back injury while hitting another Air Raid Crash and curb stomp but Money kicks out! Britt scratches and claws her way into Lockjaw, Mone escapes and nails the Money Maker to win at 17:21! That finish kind of came out of nowhere. The crowd seems tired and they had an uphill battle getting them to play along. They were ultimately successful, but this is probably on the lesser end of what was expected, **¾.
Winner and still TBS Champion: Mercedes Mone
TNT Championship (Coffin Match):
Jack Perry © vs. Darby Allin
Jack hauls a body bag to the ring and has a funeral prepared for Darby at ringside. Darby starts the festivities with a tope and chair shots. He has thumbtacks taped all over his face and rubs them into Perry. Darby nails a missile dropkick onto a seated Perry! He stands Perry against the coffin but misses a wild tope! Perry takes control with a power slam onto the coffin. He pours broken glass onto the canvas, probably another not-so-subtle jab at CM Punk. Darby reverses a backdrop onto the glass and nails a skateboard assisted double stomp to the spine. Fans chant “F*ck CM Punk!” Darby dropkicks Perry on the top rope but then takes a horrifying landing to ringside. Perry tapes Allin's hands together but misses a head of steam into the steps. Allin hits a desperate Coffin Drop outside, Perry answers with a powerbomb on the ramp. He ties up Allin's legs and throws him through a table. Darby gets stuffed into a body bag, hauled into the coffin, but he tears through the bag at the last second. Perry hits a running knee and closes the coffin shut at 10:39. Another abrupt ending, they must be running low on time. Good stunt show for what it was, ***.
Winner and still TNT Champion: Jack Perry
The Young Bucks join Perry and pour gas all over Darby and the coffin. Perry lights a match, but the lights go out, and STIIIIIIIING is here to make the dramatic rescue. He swings a bat at Nicholas, no-sells Perry's chair shot, and gives the Bucks double Scorpion Death Drops! Nice moment and the real payoff to the Coffin Match.
Jim Ross joins commentary for the main event.
AEW World Championship:
Swerve Strickland © (with Prince Nana) vs. Bryan Danielson
If Danielson loses, he must retire from in-ring competition. Tony Khan has opened his pocket book and paid for Bryan to enter to “The Final Countdown.” If 21 year old me could see Bryan entering Wembley Stadium to this song, he wouldn't believe it. The fans sing along and I'm soaking in this moment for all it's worth. Bryan's family are seated in the front row. Swerve gets a live musical entrance and the fans give him a championship-level ovation. The fans might be tired, but they are red hot at the bell. Chain wrestling gives way to hard striking. Swerve gives Brie a glance, Bryan goes to work on his shoulder. Bryan gets catapulted outside but answers with a springboard cannonball senton! Swerve answers with a pair of brainbusters. Strickland slows things down to pick apart the arm. Swerve hits a DVD onto the ring bell, busting Bryan wide open. Strickland adjusts his plan to assault the open wound. He hauls Bryan in front of Brie and Birdie for some face stomping. Someday, Birdie will grow up and kick Swerve's a$$ for this. Danielson reverses the Swerve Stomp into a Regal Stretch. Swerve escapes but eats a twisting lariat. Running lariat by Danielson, followed by running kicks, but Swerve counters with a Flatliner for 2. Bryan can't get Cattle Mutilation so he hits a Tiger Suplex! He unleashes YES kicks, then an AVALANCHE TIGER SUPLEX! Swerve kicks out! Bryan settles for kicking Swerve's f*cking head in. Strickland escapes Cattle Mutilation, and nails a Cop Killa! Medics check on Danielson until Swerve chases them away. Strickland hits the Swerve Stomp, Bryan kicks out! He then hits the House Call and waits for Bryan to sit up before hitting a second House Call. Swerve savors his third House Call, Bryan kicks out at 2 in a fabulous nearfall that blows the roof off! Bryan hulks up through Strickland's kicks and lights him up with stiff strikes. Bryan grabs a triangle choke, Swerve lifts him up by the beard, but Bryan blasts a suplex. Danielson nails the Bu Sai Ku knee, but Swerve brushes it off for another House Call! Strickland nails Big Pressure but DANIELSON KICKS OUT! YES chants break out across the stadium! Hangman Adam Page tries to interfere but security blocks him. Danielson capitalizes with the Bu Sai Ku knee but SWERVE KICKS OUT! They lock knuckles and exchange snug blows. Bryan surprises with another Bu Sai Ku knee, then another, and the LeBell Lock ends it at 25:56! Bryan is overcome with emotion as he's presented with the AEW title. The Blackpool Combat Club arrive to escort Bryan's family into the ring for a proper celebration. The fans sing along with "The Final Countdown." I'm not crying, you're crying. ****¾.
Winner and new AEW World Champion: Bryan Danielson
Luckily, Christian Cage is nowhere to be seen and the moment isn't ruined.
Final Thoughts: This wasn't a perfect show by any means, but it delivered the goods when it was most important. Hat's off to Toni Storm, Mariah May, MJF, Will Ospreay, Bryan Danielson, and Swerve Strickland for creating a special event.
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