- Last Week on WWE Main Event...Chris Jericho defeated Cody Rhodes to build him up for a match with Ryback at Money In The Bank, Christian and Dean Ambrose went head to head in an attempt to further angles that also involved the Uso brothers and the remaining members of the Shield, and the Primetime Players picked up their first victory of 2013, going over the Tons of Funk in an effort to make them look like suitable opponents for CM Punk and Curtis Axel. Did I mention the train wreck debut of a new Diva? There was that too. Looks like they changed the intro a bit to feature names like the Shield and Christian.
- Josh Mathews and Cody Rhodes are at ringside to call the action, unless otherwise noted. For the second week in a row, we're not informed of the location of this weeks Main Event. There's just going to be tons of hype for WWE Money In The Bank.
We come back from break, with Christian planting Sandow with a slam and coming off the ropes with a clothesline for two. Charge to the corner, Christian sweeps the legs and teases posting Sandow up, but plays to the crowd too much and ends up tasting the steel, himself. Sandow puts the boots to Christian as he re-enters the ring. He drops a knee across the chest and covers for two. Knee to the back, and Sandow slaps on a chicken-wing assisted chinlock. Sandow sets up and misses another knee drop, allowing Christian to roll him up for two. Sandow quickly lays him out with a clothesline for another two count. Sandow with choking across the bottom rope, followed by a Russian leg sweep and the Elbow of Disdain for two. Christian offers a comeback, only to get crotched along the top turnbuckle. They slug it out until Sandow takes Christian down with a super-plex. Sandow takes his time to cover, allowing Christian to cradle him for two. Both men are up, and quickly take each other down with clotheslines. Whip to the ropes and Christian comes off with a forearm. He comes off the second turnbuckle with a missile dropkick for two. Charge to the corner meets boot. Sandow misses a clothesline, allowing Christian to take him down with a reverse DDT for two. Sandow with a headbutt to the midsection, but Christian fights out of the neckbreaker and springs off the ropes with a sunset flip for another two count. Sandow uses the tights to throw Christian into the corner. Sandow counters a tornado DDT, and a somersault neckbreaker gets two. He sets Christian up along the top turnbuckle, but this time Christian fights him down and connects with a diving elbow. Christian sets for the Killswitch, but Sandow fights free and takes him down with a reverse DDT of his own for a two count. Sandow misses a charge, gets hung up across the top rope, and the Killswitch finishes at 17:01 (minus one commercial break). That took a while to get into, but this was a solid 3-star performance that harkens back to the old days when midcarders were allowed twenty minutes to work things out. Sandow got to show some different offense than usual, and Christian is a steady performer, no matter who he works with.
- The Wyatt Family is making their debut on the upcoming episode of Monday Night Raw. How often does WWE END the show with a vignette to hype a newcomer? Not very. I'm looking forward to it.
- Rob Van Dam is returning at Money In The Bank, incase we all missed the other 658 times they told us about it.
- In case we all missed this too, Mark Henry faked out John Cena with talks of retirement, only to lay him out with the World's Strongest Slam, and thus making him the new #1 Contender for the WWE Championship at Money In The Bank. It was surprisingly effective and I'm actually looking forward to it.
Final Thoughts: There's lots of hype for Money In The Bank, and it's looking like a solid show. As for the actual wrestling featured, we've got the typical three match structure: a lengthy midcard match to open the show (very lengthy in this case, and it needed the time to develope, too), a mid-length semi-squash for a mildly pushed heel (Jack Swagger, featured in one of the MITB Ladder Matches at the PPV), and a squash match to remind everyone "hey, this guy is worth looking into" (Big E. Langston). Monday Night Raw must've been REALLY bad, as we didn't get a traditional Raw Rewind. Just a handful of hype videos for Henry/Cena, the debut of the Wyatt Family, and RVD's return on the PPV.