- Last Week on WWE Main Event... The Shield made short work of Justin Gabriel and the Uso's in 6-Man Tag Team Action, Antonio Cesaro, along with new manager Zeb Colter (I guess the answer to curing bore-itus is giving them a southern hick for a mouth piece, even when it makes no sense for the character), made short work of Sin Cara, and in a match that two people demanded to see again because it never got started on Smackdown, Kaitlyn carried Aksana to a Zero Star Match.
- Josh Mathews and the Miz are on commentary, unless otherwise noted. Location is not disclosed, which usually means "somewhere of little importance."
We return from commercial, with Rhodes working a chinlock. Jericho simply throws Rhodes off, only to walk into a drop toe hold immediately after. Rhodes with choking and a front suplex for a two count. Jericho mounts a half-hearted comeback until Rhodes comes off the top with a standing moonsault for another two count. Rhodes slaps on a crossface, and you can tell it's inspired by John Cena: There's a good 6 inches between his body and Jericho's face. Jericho with another comeback, including a double axehandle from the top rope. He sweeps the legs, but Rhodes throws him off and connects with the Disaster Kick, for two. Rhodes meets boot on a charge to the corner. Jericho from the top with a body press, but it only gets two. Whip to the corner, and Rhodes busts out the Alabama Slam. Must've learned that from Hardcore Holly back when they were a team in 2007. It only gets two. Jericho with a northern lights suplex for two. He comes off the ropes with a bulldog, but the Lionsault doesn't find the target. Rhodes with the Cross Rhodes, but again, only gets a two count. Jericho from out of nowhere with the Code Breaker, but Rhodes gets the foot on the ropes to break the count. Rhodes goes to the eye again and a school boy gets two. Jericho blocks a kick, sweeps the leg, and the Walls of Jericho finishes Rhodes at 10:07 (minus one commercial break). This was hovering in the range of "average" until a hot final couple of minutes brought it up to around the 3-star territory. Cody Rhodes: May never be the best match on the card, but always seems to have a solid performance, regardless of opponent.
- Rob Van Dam, judging from his recent stint in TNA or Impact Wrestling, a bit out of shape and completely unmotivated, is coming back to the WWE at Money In The Bank! Isn't that enough to warrant spending $45 (or $55 for HD) for the next PPV? Nope, I didn't think so, either.
- Antonio Cesaro and Zeb Colter make their way out to remind everyone that Antonio Cesaro is now being managed by Zeb Colter. I guess we're in South Carolina, judging by Colter's promo. He also hypes Friday Night Smackdown, despite neither announced matches featuring anyone he's managing. Well, kudos to selling the product, but points taken away for using someone who's not even involved to sell it.
- Raw Rewind: The fallout from Brock Lesnar's attack on CM Punk on the June 17th episode of Monday Night Raw. Punk is going to take Brock down, but the real issue at hand: Was Lesnar following orders from Paul Heyman because Punk relieved him of his duties coming to ringside. Heyman tries to bullsh*t his way out of it and swears up and down he had nothing to do with it. Punk "accepts" the excuse and the two embrace, but a cold stare at the camera indicates something else. I don't know how anyone couldn't like this segment: It was well done, paced properly, planted the seeds for a hot main event, and builds towards more weeks of "what's going to happen next?". This coming episode of Raw, CM Punk teams with Curtis Axel to take on the PrimeTime Players. Uh... squash?
- The Wyatts are coming to WWE. Soon.
Final Thoughts: Solid, if unspectacular hour of wrestling this week. Jericho and Rhodes was all right, but it's easy to say you can't expect much more out of Rhodes. Christian and Ambrose was a wash in terms of match quality: it was short and was used more as a tool to further the angles that involved the rest of the Shield and the Uso Brothers. Finally, we ended up with a pretty blah tag match between jobbers, introduced a new, lame Diva for the sake of a reality show that will draw dick for ratings, and tried to establish the heel jobber team has a hope in hell of defeating CM Punk and the new Pet Project.