- Originally broadcasted live, on Pay-Per-View, on November 18th, 2012, from Indianapolis, IN. Michael Cole, Jerry "The King" Lawler, and JBL are calling all the action, unless otherwise noted. I'd like to point out I'm loving this whole continously counting the days of Punk's championship reign, and incorporating it into the opening video montage. I'm going to skip over doing the Pre-Show match between 3MB (represented here by Heath Slater and Jinder Mahal) and CoBro (Santino Marella and Zack Ryder). 3MB wins, which means Marella's winning streak comes to an end at 1.
Clay gets a mild tag and crushes Tensai in the corner. Things get out of hand, with Clay taking care of business. The remaining members of each team get into a spotfest display on the floor, while back in the ring, it's down to Clay and Tensai (everyone's still legally involved, no disqualifications or count outs).Clay botches a T-Bone suplex, dropping Tensai on his face. Charge to the corner misses by a mile, allowing Tensai to plow through with a shoulder and slam his body on top of Clay for the three count at 7:26. Gabriel in to try his luck, and Tensai lays him out with a shoulder. O'Neil slaps on an abdominal stretch, and Gorilla Monsoon would be proud, because he's got it hooked properly. O'Neil with a casual overhead slam, while still standing. Tensai with the blind tag, and the back slam only gets two. Gabriel avoids a second attempt, and cradles him for three at 9:23. Tensai cheap shots Gabriel on the way out, allowing the PTP to double team. Epico with a double underhook suplex for two, then settles in with a chinlock. Gabriel fights free and tags out to Kidd. He comes in with a missile dropkick and lays into Epico with kicks. Epico sends Kidd to the floor with a dropkick, allowing Primo to take advantage. O'Neil shows off his strength some more, and we're in need of some eliminations, soon. Kidd crotches O'Neil across the top rope, boots him on the side of the head, and a roll up gets three at 12:51. Young with a short clothesline for a pair of two counts. Epico with a trio of back suplex, but on the third, Kidd counters and turns Epico over in the sharpshooter, and it's a tap out at 14:01. Primo pounds away and grabs a headlock. Primo to the top rope, and Kidd with a dropkick to counter his body press. Mysterio gets the hot tag, and it's over. He takes Primo over with a head scissors and a kick to the head gets two. Rey to the top rope, but Primo cuts him off. Mysterio fights off a super-plex, sends Primo into the ropes on an arm drag, but misses 619. He avoids a code breaker, and a la mahistral cradle gets the three count at 16:31. Young takes a head scissors into the ropes, and Rey does hit 619 on him. Sin Cara to the top rope, and a senton bomb connects. Gabriel with a springboard moonsault, and Tyson Kidd with an elbow drop. Mysterio to the top rope, and a splash finally finishes the already dead Darren Young off at 17:28, making the foursome of Rey Mysterio, Sin Cara, Tyson Kidd, and Justin Gabriel the survivors. The crowd wasn't into it too much, but I thought it was pretty entertaining, and gave lower card guys more than 4-minutes and a quick job to showcase what they can do.
- Backstage, Kaitlyn and Aksana do stuff. No one cares, which leads to...
- Backstage, it's time for some motivational speeches for the Survivor Series Elimination Match. Randy Orton tells Mick Foley "I hate you", and Foley approves.
- We waste valuable Pay-Per-View time for this stupid A.J. and Vicki Guerrero angle. Tamina makes her return from injury, and Michael Cole is smart to remind us sh'e sthe daughter of Jimmy Snuka. She gives the worst Superfly Splash ever. A 68 year old Jimmy Snuka could probably do one better than that. 10 Minutes here I won't be getting back.
- Buy the WWE Attitude Era DVD set, available in stores, NOW!
Sheamus fights free with rights, but walks into a side suplex. Show's dominance continues, but a sluggish pace. Whip to the corner, and a charge meets the boot. Sheamus hops on Show's back for a sleeper hold, no doubt inspired by the spot in The Princess Bride. That's TWO Andre references in one match. Sheamus meets the post on a charge, and Show with the Cutting Room Floor or whatever he called that spot. Show climbs the ropes in a contrived spot, allowing Sheamus to give him an electric chair drop. Impressive stength, but everyone saw it coming. They slug it out from their knees, with Sheamus gaining the upperhand. He comes off the ropes with a high knee, followed by a diving forearm. Show blocks the Brogue Kick, but he can't hit the chokeslam. Sheamus with White Noise, but it only gets two. Sheamus calls for the Brogue Kick, but Show throws referee Scott Armstrong in the way of it. Come on, he's an Armstrong. NOTHING can stop an Armstrong. Show takes advantage of Sheamus' "concern" and KO punches Show for the three count at 14:45... but wait, the decision is reversed, giving the match to Sheamus by Disqualification. Smell the ReMatch in four weeks! Match started and finished pretty hot, but that middle was incredibly deflating for me. After all the hooplah, Sheamus lays Show out with the Brogue Kick.
Orton comes in and works over Ziggler with forearms. Orton takes him over with a slingshot suplex for two. Kingston takes Ziggler over with a super-sized monkey flip for another two count, then hooks a front facelock. Bryan with uppercuts, but a knee to the midsection slows him down. Barrett sends him to the buckle, but eats some himself on a drop toe hold. Bryan misses a charge of his own, and takes a beating at the hands of Team Ziggler. Otunga tags back in, sends Bryan to the corner, and puts him down with a shoulder tackle for two. Bryan turns things over with the No Lock, and Otunga taps at 7:13. Del Rio with a snapmare and kick to the back for two before settling in with a chinlock. Bryan escapes with elbows to the midsection, but runs into a tilt-o-whirl back breaker. Del Rio measures him up and charges, only to be back dropped to the floor. Kingston launches in with a high forearm, followed by a dropkick. The boom drop connects, and he's calling for the end. Ziggler interrupts, but Kingston comes off the ropes with a body press for two. Barrett in, and he hits a sidewalk slam following intereference from Ziggler. Barrett with the Bull Hammer (another name for the forearm) for three at 9:43.
Orton in, and he connects with his signature dropkick for two. Whip to the corner, and Barrett catches Orton coming with a boot to the face. He goes for a suplex, but Orton blocks and counters with one of his own. Orton with a jumping knee drop across the chest for two. Bryan tags in, despite the tag being offered to Miz. He works on Barrett with kicks. Whip to the corner is reversed, and Bryan comes off the middle rope with a missile dropkick for two. Barrett meets Bryan in the ropes with a clothesline, knocking him to the floor. Del Rio tags in, and almost falls victim to the No Lock, but manages to fight free. He connects with a running boot in the corner, and the Cross Armbreaker makes Bryan tap at 12:38. Miz finally comes in for the first time. He pounds on Del Rio, hooks a front facelock, and tags out to Orton, who goes through with the Garvin Stomp. Orton with the lace of his boots to rake the eyes for a two count. Del Rio goes for the arm and hits a modified single arm DDT for two. Ziggler with stomping and a jumping elbow drop for two. Orton fights free of a chinlock with elbows and presses Ziggler in the air for a long drop. Miz with the hot tag, and he lays into Barrett with a flurry of rights, then charges into the corner with a clothesline. Miz to the top, and a double axehandle connects. Barrett escapes the Skull Crusher and plants a crescent kick in the midsection. Miz counters a pumphandle slam with the Skull Crusher, and that takes care of Barrett at 16:07. Miz with a DDT on Del Rio for two. Del Rio ducks a clothesline and a German suplex gets two. Del Rio to the top, but Miz yanks him down quite violently. Miz misses a charge, and a running enziguri finishes Miz off at 17:15.
To no ones surprise, it's down to Randy Orton. He slugs it out with Del Rio, but falls victim to an enziguri. Ziggler with a neck breaker for a two count. Del Rio with a jumping double stomp (the Sullivan one that Cesaro does, too). He makes a slow climb to the top rope, and jumps right into a dropkick. That's what happens when you hot dog. Orton with clotheslines and another cheap shot at Ziggler. He takes Del Rio over with a powerslam, then goes for Rodriguez, allowing Del Rio to hit an enziguri from behind, but that only gets two. Foley comes from out of his corner to take care of business, lodging Socko into the mouth of Ricardo Rodriguez. Ziggler accidentaly hits his partner with a dropkick and gets rammed into the post. Orton counters the armbreaker and RKO's Del Rio for the three count at 20:57. Ziggler looks dead in the corner, still wrapped around the post. Orton sets up for the RKO, but Ziggler hooks the ropes to prevent it, and the Zig Zag connects... for two! Orton avoids a rocker dropper and plants him with the DDT. Orton's sporting a busted lip, but surprisingly WWE doesn't censor it. Orton sells the tasting of his own blood and goes for the punt, but Ziggler hits a Super-Kick instead, and covers for three at 23:44 to become the Sole Survivor. About time he won an important match. Started off a little sluggish, but things picked up nicely, and we got a hot final few minutes, which is always a good thing in these elimination matches. My only complaint... why is Kane ALWAYS losing early in these matches, every single year?
Punk takes a hike early, with Punk and Ryback offering a chase on seperate occasions. They catch up to him, but start getting in each other's faces over who gets to beat up the Champion. Ryback overpowers Punk, and Cena comes back into the picture with a bulldog. Ryback sends him to the floor with a clothesline, and we get the long-waited Cena/Ryback confrontation. All 90 seconds into the match. Lockup, and Ryback with the shove-off. Crowd chants for Cena, both positive and negative, and ignores Ryback. Cena grabs a headlock, and a shoulder tackle puts Ryback down. Cena goes for the AA, but Ryback fights free and stomps away on Cena in the corner. Punk comes back in and takes Ryback over with a snap suplex. Ryback no-sells it and throws Punk out of the ring with a fallaway slam. Cena with a belly-to-belly on Ryback for a one count, then hooks a chinlock. Punk from the top with a double axehandle, then knocks Cena to the floor with a forearm. Punk to the top again, and connects with another axehandle. Third time isn't a charm, though, as Ryback catches him and slams him into the buckle. Ryback charges, but takes a heel kick to the side of the head. Cena rolls up Punk for two, but can't hit the AA. Punk plants him with a DDT for two. Ryback interrupts things and hits a running powerslam on Punk. Cena with a back suplex on Ryback, no-sold again. Cena and Ryback slug it out. Cena hits the ropes, only to be pulled out by Punk and thrown into the steps. Punk hangs Ryback up on the top rope, then launches himself back in with a clothesline for two. Punk with the chinlock, and we'll wait for Cena to break things up... nevermind, Ryback does it himself, and takes Punk down with a spinebuster. He sets up and connects with the Meat Hook clothesline.
Shell Shock is interrupted by Cena, and he slaps the STF on Ryback, but Punk creeps into view, and comes off the top with the Macho Man Elbow across the back of Cena, while still laying on top of Ryback. Punk signals for the GTS, but Cena fights free and slugs it out, until Ryback takes both down with clotheslines. Ryback dumps them to the floor, for whatever reason. Ryback stupidly goes for a double suplex, but Cena and Punk beat him down for being the moron he is. The announcers table gets stripped, and they double suplex Ryback through it. The crowd wanted tables, so there you go. Back in the ring, Cena comes off the ropes with shoulders, then connects with the side slam. The Five-Knuckle Shuffle connects, but Punk escapes the AA and hits the GTS for two. No surprise there, after there last few PPV's against each other. Cena surprises Punk with the AA, but Punk kicks out at two. Again, no surprise. Cena with a leg sweep, but can't hook the STF. Punk with a running knee into the face, but Cena counters a bulldog with a leg trip and finally locks on the STF. Suddenly, Ryback comes back to life and pulls Cena out. Back in the ring, Ryback hits the Meat Hook on Punk, followed by the Shell Shock, but Cena breaks the cover. Ryback with the Shell Shock on Cena, and suddenly we get a run in from three men in black (but not masked), working over Ryback. It's NXT stars Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, and Seth Rollins, by the way. They beat the tar out of Ryback and powerbomb him through the other announcers table in spectacularly awesome fashion, while back in the ring, Punk covers Cena to retain the Championship at 17:58. I hate triple threats, but this was as entertaining as it could get with a complete non-factor like Ryback dragging down an automatic 4-star match into the range of mediocre. Punk gets to the one year mark as WWE Champion! Everyone celebrate!
Final Thoughts: Nothing spectacular here, but other than the diva's match, nothing was notably bad, either. The two elimination matches were both enjoyable for me, once you ignore neither the main event version made no sense anymore in why it took place, and that the opener wasn't even advertised before the start of the PPV. Both the World and WWE Championship matches were a bit underwhelming, the Show/Sheamus one moreso, while the Triple Threat had a bit of redemption with a surprising finish to set up where we go from here without it being just a predictable rematch. As always, I will never recommend a PPV for $45/55, but when the DVD comes out... mixed bag. If you like the elimination matches, go for it, if not, take a pass. Basically every Survivor Series recommendation ever.
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