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TNA: No Surrender, September 9, 2007
by Sassy

Announcers for No Surrender: Mike Tenay and Don West

Ring Announcer: David Penzer

Mike Tenay reminds us that Kurt Angle will be defending three titles in three separate matches at No Surrender.

TNA Tag Team Championship:
Team Pacman
Ron “The Truth” Killings, from Charlotte, NC
Adam “Pacman” Jones, from Atlanta, GA
The Dream Team – TNA Tag Team Champions
This Is Sting, from Venice Beach, CA
Kurt Angle, from Pittsburgh, PA

Sting gets an enthusiastic welcome from the crowd. The Truth, Jones, and Kurt didn’t get any positive reinforcement from the audience. .

The bell rings and it is Sting facing Jones in the ring. Jones immediately tags Truth and gets out of the ring. Sting works the crowd and Truth opens up with a series of fists to Stings back and body sending him back into the ropes. Truth sends Sting into the opposite ropes, but Sting gets the switch and sends Truth across the ring, Sting takes him down with an arm drag as he comes off the ropes. Sting gets another arm drag again sending Truth to the mat. Sting hits Truth with a standing drop kick, and then takes him down with a fist. Truth crawls across the ring to tag Jones, but Jones waves him away and refuses the tag. Sting tags in Kurt to face Truth. Truth sends Kurt down with a boot to the abdomen and a fist. Truth punches Kurt back against the ropes. Truth tries to send Kurt across the ring; Kurt gets the switch, sending Truth into the ropes and catches him with a belly-to-belly suplex. Kurt goes for the pin, gets a two count. Truth again crawls to the corner to tag in Jones, but Jones jumps off the apron onto the floor and waves Truth off again. Truth gets out of the ring and onto the floor to talk to Jones. Kurt comes out of the ring, Jones runs around the ring and Truth rolls back into the ring. Jones runs around the ring finally rolling into the ring and goes across out onto the floor. Truth catches Kurt as he comes back into the ring and tries for a pin. Truth gets a one count before Kurt powers out. Truth picks up Kurt and body slams him to the mat. Truth again covers for the pin this time getting a two count. Truth flips Kurt over onto the mat and gets a sleeper hold on Kurt. Mrs. Angle comes down the ramp, yells at Kurt in the ring, yells at Sting who has stepped off the ring apron to tell her to go to the back and the referee who comes out to point her in the direction of the backstage area. She starts up the ramp but as soon as the ref gets back in the ring, she runs back to ringside. Sting gets down on the floor again and she shoves him in the chest twice before she slaps him. He yells at her, pointing to the back, and she falls down on the floor. Truth has Kurt in a headlock in the ring. Kurt picks up Truth and sends him on his back to the mat. Ms. Angle is still on the floor pretending that she has been hit in the face. Kurt tags in Sting who comes off the ropes and takes down Truth with a clothesline, not once but twice. Kurt is now on the floor talking to his wife who is claiming she has been injured and points to Sting still in the ring with Truth. Sting takes down Truth and goes for the pin, gets a two count. Truth is in the opposite corner, Sting backs up and hits with a stinger splash. Truth gets to Jones and this time tags him in the ring with Sting. Before Sting can lock up with Jones, Kurt enters the ring and gives Sting the Olympic slam. Jones pins Sting and Team Pacman are now the TNA Tag Team Champions.

My first reaction to this match was – and still is -- “ I PAID for this?” I don’t think I have seen a match this pathetic. Sting, The Truth and Kurt might have actually done some wrestling but the pay per view audience wouldn’t know about that because the cameras were outside the ring with a crappy story line. Here’s a thought, have Cornette ban Kurt’s wife from any and all further matches so we can see the action IN the ring. As I said before this PPV started, Jones and Mrs. Angle can’t wrestle but guess whom we managed to see the most of during this match up? What is wrong with TNA? The Truth and Sting are much better than this. Use wrestlers for wrestling and non-wrestling clowns should be in a circus somewhere.

We see a rundown of the Cowboy Pub Crawl with Cowboy James Storm attempting to find Rhino after their Hard Justice match.

Backstage Jeremy Borash is with Rhino and Rhino says that it didn’t matter where he had been but he found himself in the time he was gone. He is now sober and he is going to get even with Storm for what he has done.

Cowboy James Storm, from Leipers Fork, TN
Accompanied by the Pride of Tennessee, Miss Jackie Moore
The War Machine Rhino, from Detroit, MI

Storm gets a lot of lip from the crowd on his way to the ring. Rhino charges into and through the ring, chasing Storm up the ramp where they exchange blows. Rhino takes Storm back down to the ring and tosses him in but is met with interference by Miss Jackie. The referee steps in to get Jackie out of the way. The ref is on the entrance ramp with Jackie with his back turned as Rhino enters the ring. Storm is not in the ring but the audience has no problem pointing him out in their midst. Rhino goes out in the crowd after Storm. Rhino sends Storm into the wall, bounces his head off a guardrail with the Security team chasing after them. Storm hits Rhino with punches to the face before Rhino gets the upper hand again. Storm heads back out to an aisle and Rhino follows him throwing fists to the back of his head. Rhino stops again to pound Storm’s skull into the railing and then he throws a punch but Storm shoves Rhino backwards and he falls down the flight of steps to the floor. Storm moves the crowd away from the railing and climbs up to stand on the wood in front of the railing. Storm dives on Rhino, but Rhino catches him and shoulder blocks Storm backwards into the wall. Both men are down but the crowd is behind Rhino. Rhino is to his feet first. Rhino agains uses his fists to keep Storm down as they head toward the ring. Tenay reminds us the bell has not rung yet and this is a match before the match. Rhino gets Storm to the rail surrounding the ring and he dumps him over onto the floor then follows after him. Rhino picks up something that was lying on the floor and slams it over Storm’s head. Rhino picks Storm up by the hair, walks him around the ring and slams his head into the apron. Storm goes backward into the guardrail. Rhino takes Storm up on the entrance ramp and attempts to body slam him but Storm blocks it and body slams Rhino on the ramp instead. Both men are now down on the ramp. Storm picks up Rhino by his hair, takes him down in front of the ring and attempts to sling him into the guardrail. Rhino gets the switch and Storm hits the railing instead. Rhino again works the crowd before going after Storm and rolling him into the ring. The ref rings the bell and the match begins; Rhino sends a fist into Storm’s head before backing him into the ring post and continuing his boxing assault. He adds a boot the midsection and a series of right hands to Storm’s face. Rhino sends Storm into the opposite ring post and charges him, but Storm gets a boot up. Rhino takes down Storm with a belly-to-belly suplex and Storm is on the mat. Rhino backs up across the ring to set up the gore, but Jackie has climbed up on the ring and has Rhino by the hair. Rhino turns around but Jackie jumps down to the floor and the ref goes after her. Rhino charges Storm, Storm ducks the clothesline. Storm throws up a boot at Rhino and Rhino blocks it. Storm delivers a high kick to Rhino’s head with his other foot. Rhino is reeling and Storm slams Rhino’s back down on his knees, snapping his head and neck backward. Storm is on his feet, Rhino is down. Storm works on Rhino’s back, then picks him up, delivers a few fists, comes off the ropes and takes Rhino down to the mat with a forearm. Storm covers for the pin, gets a two count before Rhino gets a shoulder off the mat. Rhino sends punches into Storm’s midsection, then goes back to come off the ropes. Rhino ducks the clothesline, goes across to the opposite side and comes off the ropes again. Storm takes him down with a high knee to the face. Storm goes up on the turnbuckle, puts on his hat and works the crowd. He comes back down on the mat to send a boot to Rhino’s head and then several right fists. Storm sends Rhino down with a snap mare and again the crowd gets louder and louder shouting for Rhino. Storm gets Rhino down and sits down hard on Rhino’s back. Storm has a forearm locked around Rhino’s head, but Rhino fights his way to his feet, slams several punches into Storm’s abdomen before Storm sends Rhino off the ropes. Rhino comes off the ropes with a clothesline, taking Storm down. Rhino picks Storm up and delivers a back elbow to Storm’s head. Storm comes off the ropes and Rhino power slams him to the mat, goes for the pin and gets a two count. Rhino attempts to sling Storm across the ring, Storm sends a boot to Rhino’s abdomen and power slams Rhino to the mat. Storm goes for the cover and gets a two count. Miss Jackie continues to try to draw the referee’s attention away from the action in the ring. Storm picks Rhino up, attempts to throw him into the ropes, Rhino gets the switch and sends Storm into the ring post. Rhino hits him with a shoulder block to the abdomen, then delivers a belly-to-belly suplex. Rhino sets up for and hits Storm with a gore that flips Storm over and onto the mat. Rhino covers but only gets a two count before Storm powers out. Rhino looks shocked, then gets up, steps out onto the ring apron and asks the audience for steel chairs, which they obligingly hand him. Rhino piles the chairs one on top of the other, takes Storm to the corner then climbs up on the top turnbuckle, taking Storm with him. Storm fights back and bites Rhino before jumping back down to the mat and sending a hard fist to Rhino’s head. Storm climbs up on the ropes and takes Rhino down face first into the chairs. Storm covers, only gets a two count. Jackie is having a loud fit outside the ring. Storm rolls out of the ring and looks under the ring. He comes out with a table and slides it into the ring. Rhino is still down on the mat as Storm sets up the table. Rhino is up, but Storm is punching him. Rhino makes a grab for Storm, Storm sidesteps him. Rhino gets Storm up on his shoulders and delivers a fall away slam. He goes for the pin and gets a two count. Rhino sees the table, picks it up and sets it in the corner. Storm is up on one knee and Jackie is talking to him from outside the ring. As Rhino approaches, Storm delivers a jawbreaker then sends Rhino into the ring post. Rhino meets Storm with an elbow, then climbs up on the top rope. He doesn’t make it all the way up before Storm stops him with a series of fists. Storm climbs up on the second rope and suplexes Rhino off the turnbuckle. Storm goes for a pin again and gets a two count. Both men are up on their knees, then to their feet. Storm goes for the super kick, Rhino ducks. Storm is left standing in front of the table and Rhino catches Storm with a gore breaking the table in half. Rhino covers, gets the three count and wins the match.
After the match, Rhino gets out of the ring, goes under the ring and gets a keg. Storm is down on the floor and Rhino is going to fill Storm’s trunks with the contents of the keg. Jackie shows up and grabs Rhino by the hair. The ref is trying to get her away from Rhino when Rhino stands up to look Jackie in the face. Rhino rolls Jackie into the ring and sets up for a gore. Rhino gores Jackie in the middle of the ring surrounded by the enthusiastic applause of the fans.
THIS was a match. This may not have been considered a100% “wrestling” match but it sure beats the first match of the night. I have never seen Storm work so many wrestling maneuvers in a match to date. He was great in the ring. Rhino did what Rhino does best – get the love of the crowd and roughhouse his way to victory. Miss Jackie Moore took the hit from Rhino like the tough gal she is. It is an insult that she doesn’t get to spend time in the ring as a wrestler but she puts everything she’s got into being on the edge of the match.
We go to the back where JB is with Kurt Angle who is throwing around chairs. Standing by are Mrs. Angle and Kevin Nash. Nash says he didn’t see any slapping going on except her slapping Sting. Kurt asks her if Sting slapped her. Nash tells Kurt he needs to get focused, he has two more matches tonight. She said she didn’t hit Sting, Sting hit her. Sting is suddenly attacking Kurt, has him by the throat and slams him into a locker. Kurt says Sting hit his wife and Sting says he did not hit her. Jim Cornette and Matt Morgan show up and Cornette is trying to get Sting to release his hold on Kurt. Cornette tells Sting the only thing he will accomplish tonight is get in trouble. He tells him to go back to the hotel, take a shower and they will talk tomorrow. Sting tells Kurt it isn’t over and leaves the area. Cornette tells Mrs. Angle to grab her purse and she is out. Kurt says she isn’t going anywhere. Cornette tells them they have a choice. Either she leaves alone or they both go together and leave the belts there. Mrs. Angle does another one of her screaming tantrums and JB sends us back to Tenay and West.
This would have been a prime opportunity for anyone to have taken a swing at Mrs. Angle. No one within earshot would have complained. Her constant screeching is a constant annoyance. Cornette, think ahead next time. Save all our eardrums. The “it’s all about Kurt” angle is annoying enough. Don’t add to it. I’m sure Matt Morgan is a fantastic bodyguard but those of us who like Matt would prefer to see him in the ring in action.
Tenay reminds us he will have the huge announcement everyone has been waiting for later on.
Robert Roode, from Wall Street in Manhattan, NY
accompanied by Miss Brooks
Kaz, from Anaheim, CA

Miss Brooks is not happy to be with Roode and the audience cheers for Kaz when he enters the ring.

The bell rings and the two lock up and break twice. They lock up again and go around and around the ring ropes until Kaz has Roode against a corner post. The ref tells Kaz to break and Kaz delivers a clean break. Roode comes at Kaz and slaps him with both hands in the chest. Kaz returns the favor. Roode hits Kaz with a boot to the abdomen and a fist to the back. Roode has Kaz in a side headlock before Kaz sends Roode across the ring and into the ropes, Roode comes off the ropes and Kaz jumps over him. Roode hits the opposite ropes and comes back to meet Kaz’s boots flipping him over and onto the mat. Kaz sends Roode to the mat with two arm drags. Miss Brooks is impressed with Kaz and smiles at him. Kaz has Roode in a wristlock but Roode switches it and has the wristlock on Kaz. Kaz uses the ropes to flip over and gets the wristlock on Roode again. Roode uses a hard right to break the hold, then a boot to the abdomen. Kaz sends Roode across the ring but Roode comes off the ropes and delivers a boot to Kaz’s chest. Roode drops an elbow on Kaz, but Kaz moves and Roode misses it. Kaz flips Roode over with an arm drag and Roode is down again and Kaz has him in a wristlock. Roode has Kaz against the ropes and delivers a hard right, a slap to the chest. Kaz sends Roode across the ring, but Roode catches him with a boot backing him up again. Roode delivers another boot, tries for a suplex, Kaz blocks it and both men tumble over the top rope and onto the floor. Both men are down and Miss Brooks comes over to assist but she doesn’t know whom to check on. Both men are to their feet, Roode knees Kaz in the stomach then bounces his head off the ring apron. Kaz returns the favor. Kaz tries to send Roode into the guardrail, but Roode gets a grip on the ring post. Roode throws Kaz toward Miss Brooks and Kaz gets stopped in time. Roode charges and hits Kaz in the back knocking down Kaz and Miss Brooks. Miss Brooks is holding her wrist. Roode goes to get Kaz, taking him to the steel steps and slamming his head on them. Roode sends Kaz back into the ring and delivers several boots before picking Kaz up and delivering a back suplex. Roode goes for the pin and only gets a two count. He sets Kaz up on the second rope in order to apply a choke. Roode starts yelling at Miss Brooks before going after Kaz again. Kaz hits Roode with several fists before coming off the ropes and meeting Roode’s elbow. Kaz is down on the mat. Roode picks up Kaz and slams his head into the turnbuckle before delivering slaps to the chest and fists to the head. Roode sends Kaz chest first into the ring post then goes for the pin. Roode gets a two count. Roode has Kaz down on the mat and is working on his neck with a forearm grip. Kaz is trying to get to his feet and the audience is behind him. Kaz hits Roode with several elbows, comes off the ropes and is met by a clothesline. Roode picks Kaz up and body slams him on the mat, comes off the mat and delivers a leg drop. Again Roode tries for the pin and only gets a two count. Roode blatantly chokes Kaz until the ref breaks it up. Roode slams Kaz headfirst into a turnbuckle, flips him across the ring, and works the audience for some nice booing. Roode goes for the snap mare but Kaz gets his feet up and takes Roode over onto the floor. Kaz goes for the pin and gets a two count. Kaz blocks Roode who appears to be trying for a suplex. Kaz takes the move into a roll up and again goes for the pin. He gets a two count. Roode ducks a forearm by Kaz, Roode comes up with a boot, Kaz catches it, Kaz goes for a boot, Roode catches it and Kaz comes up with a high kick to the back of Roode’s head. Kaz comes off the ropes and Roode catches Kaz with a spine buster, goes for the pin and gets a two count before Kaz can roll out. As the ref checks on Kaz, Roode goes into his knee pad for what appears to be brass knuckles. The audience tries to tell the ref what is going on but the ref shrugs the audience off to watch the action in the ring. Kaz gets to his feet, Roode comes up with the knuckles and Kaz delivers a kick to the arm of Roode sending the knuckles out onto the floor outside the ring. Roode yells at Miss Brooks to get the knuckles and as his back is turned, Kaz sets him up for another roll up and gets a two count. Miss Brooks carries the knuckles back to ringside. Roode has Kaz up on his shoulders but Kaz manages to get Roode down on the floor in a pin move. Kaz gets a two count. Kaz lands a fist, Roode picks Kaz up, Kaz gets out of the hold and gets his arms around Roode, and Roode dives forward and sends Kaz face first into the second rope. Both men get back on their feet. Kaz gets up on the top turnbuckle and executes a flying drop kick that connects with Roode. Both men are down, Kaz rolls over to pin Roode, gets a two count. Roode is on his feet first, Kaz gets up and charges Roode who is against the ring post, Roode swings Kaz over the top rope but Kaz lands on the ring apron. Roode throws a punch, Kaz blocks it. Kaz delivers a punch of his own that connects and tries to slingshot off the top rope, Roode takes him down by an ankle and Kaz lands on the ropes. Outside the ring, Miss Brooks drops the brass knuckles on the floor and works to kick them under the ring and out of Roode’s sight. Kaz is down on the mat, Roode yells at Miss Brooks for the brass knuckles but Miss Brooks claims she doesn’t know where they are making for an unhappy Roode. He doesn’t believer her and gets out of the ring to check her and the floor area but doesn’t find them. Roode is still outside arguing with Miss Brooks allowing Kaz to get to his feet inside the ring. Kaz attempts to spring board off the top ropes onto Roode but Roode sees him coming and shoves Miss Brooks in front. Kaz hops back down on the mat in order to keep from colliding with Miss Brooks. As Roode nears the ring apron, Kaz slips under the bottom rope to send his boots into Roode then goes across the ring to send himself off the ropes, across the ring, over the top, to take Roode out. Miss Brooks is impressed, the audience is impressed and make some noise to show it. Kaz gets fired up on the floor and works the audience. Kaz picks up Roode by his hair, rolls him back into the ring, then returns to Miss Brooks to kiss her hand. Kaz goes back into the ring but Roode throws up his hands and then goes down on his knees begging for mercy. Roode gets back on his feet when the audience shows disapproval, throws a fist, Kaz blocks the fist, sends his own punch and connects with the side of Roode’s head. Kaz continues the assault, tries to send Roode across the ring, Roode gets the switch. Kaz comes off the ropes, ducks Roode’s clothesline, springboards off the second rope to take Roode out with an elbow. Kaz hits Roode with a clothesline. Kaz swings Roode toward the corner post, Roode gets the switch and sends Kaz into the post instead. Roode charges, Kaz slips through the ropes onto the ring apron and sends a kick into Roode’s midsection. Kaz comes up and over the ropes and takes Roode down with a flying DDT. Kaz goes for the pin, only gets a two count. Roode tries to set up Kaz, Kaz flips over and lands on his feet. Kaz takes Roode over his back and drops him head first on the mat, Kaz covers for the pin. He gets a two count before Roode powers out. Miss Brooks and the audience don’t know how Roode manages to power out. Kaz sets Roode up on the top turnbuckle but Roode fights back. The two exchange blows and Kaz takes Roode off the top rope with a face plant. Kaz goes for the pin and again gets a two count. Kaz goes up on the top rope, comes down with a leg drop and Roode rolls out of the way. Roode is on his feet, sets Kaz up for the payoff and gets the three count. Miss Brooks is not happy. Kaz rolls onto the ring apron and Miss Brooks wants to check on Kaz. Roode gets irate and makes her leave the arena with him.

NOTE TO PARTICIPANTS OF FIRST MATCH – THIS is how you work the ring. This is how you keep the audience on the edge of their seats and this is how you get them to keep buying tickets and ordering pay per views.

I should let everyone know that the brass knuckles in this case appeared to be a set of silver links, not actual brass knuckles, but most likely just as effective if they had connected with the jaw of Kaz. Robert Roode is the greatest of heels, but he provides plenty of action in and out of the ring. He has impressive moves everyone tends to ignore because we are too busy wanting someone to pound him into the ground. I have to give credit where credit is due and, in spite of his cheating ways, Roode looked good in this match. Kaz is spectacular in and out of the ring as well. He moves so quickly sometimes it’s hard to follow him. He has outstanding versatility. The push he has been getting is greatly appreciated by this fan. Kaz is showing a lot of talent as an individual wrestler away from Serotonin. There was even a believable story line with the trio involved in this match. Miss Brooks is another TNA roster member I would like to see spend more time in the ring. She works a hard as Jackie and takes the hits as they come.

We are now backstage with Crystal and Black Machismo Jay Lethal regarding Lethal’s upcoming X Division championship match with Kurt Angle. It would be difficult if not impossible to relate the speech Lethal does, but it has to do with The Dragon (Ricky Steamboat) and Crystal has to remind Lethal that she is referring to Kurt and the X Division championship. Again Lethal goes into a conversation that has to do with Jake the Snake Roberts and his sidekick, Damien (Damien is the snake), and George the Animal Steel. Kevin Nash shows up during the interview and tells Lethal that Kurt does not have time for this match, that he has a championship match coming up with Abyss and that Lethal needs to take a dive in the match. Nash tells Lethal he made him and he can break him. Lethal goes into a blurb about a Snuka dive off the top of the cage and tries to high five Nash. Nash says he isn’t talking about a Snuka dive, he’s talking about a lay down in the ring.

No offense, Dr. Nash, but Jay Lethal is doing just fine without any help. Lethal could become synonymous with the X Division whereas Kurt will not.

X Division Championship:
Kurt Angle, from Philadelphia, PA
TNA X-Division Champion
Black Machismo Jay Lethal, from Elizabeth, NJ

The bell rings and Lethal seems to have the backing of the audience. Lock up in the ring, Angle takes Lethal down with an arm drag. Lethal switches the wristlock Kurt has on him and puts a wristlock on Kurt. Kurt runs to the ropes to get a break on the hold. Another lock up, Lethal gets Kurt in a headlock. Kurt backs Lethal up in the ropes, Lethal comes off with a shoulder block sending Angle to the mat. Lethal goes across the ring and over the top of Angle, hits the ropes on the opposite side and gets caught with a hip toss. Lock up again, Kurt takes Lethal down in a headlock. Lethal back on his feet, sends Angle into the ropes, drops down, comes back up and takes Kurt down with an arm drag. Lethal comes off the ropes and hits Kurt with a short drop kick. Lethal goes for the pin and gets a one count. Lethal up on the top turnbuckle, hits Kurt with a double sledge, goes for the pin, and gets a two count. Kurt is against the ring post, Lethal lays into Kurt with a series of punches and tries to send Kurt across to the ring post. Kurt gets the switch, sending Lethal into the post and as Kurt comes after him he is met with a boot to the face. Lethal, out of the corner, meets a boot to the abdomen, Kurt picks Lethal up and throws him back first into the turnbuckle. Kurt delivers a back breaker and goes for the pin, gets a two count. Kurt delivers a European uppercut, slams Lethal in the back, slap to the chest and a boot to the ribs. Kurt takes Lethal down with a suplex, gets a two count, tries again, and gets another two count. Kurt has Lethal locked in with a body scissors. Lethal’s shoulders go down and Kurt gets a two count. The audience is trying to get Lethal to break free. Several well placed elbows and Lethal is out of the hold, he goes to the ropes, comes off and is met by a tilt a whirl back breaker. Kurt covers, the referee counts. Kurt gets a two count. Kurt punches Lethal until the ref breaks it up. Kurt body slams Lethal to the mat, stomps him in the back and tries to choke him with the ropes. Kurt picks Lethal up and takes him down with a European upper cut and follows up with backdrop slam. Kurt goes for the pin and gets another two count. Kurt gets Lethal in a chin lock, keeping Lethal down on the mat. Lethal gets back up, delivers a series of elbows to Kurt’s midsection to get him to break the hold but Kurt delivers a hard fist to Lethal’s back sending him down to one knee. Another fist and Kurt has Lethal up in the air but Lethal flips over his back and lands on his feet. Lethal ducks Kurt’s clothesline , comes off the ropes and the two meet with swinging clotheslines in the center of the ring. Both men are down. Both men back to their feet, Lethal gets out of the way of another clothesline, turns and comes back to take Kurt down with a clothesline of his own. Lethal hits Kurt with another clothesline and tries to send Kurt across the ring. Kurt gets the switch, sending Lethal into the ropes, Lethal comes off the ropes and slides under Kurt. Lethal takes Kurt down with a head scissors. Lethal tries to send a boot to Kurt’s midsection, Kurt grabs his foot, Lethal takes Kurt out with a high kick to the head. Lethal goes for the pin and gets a two count. Kurt gets up leaning against a ring post and Lethal works on him with another series of punches. Lethal attempts to send Kurt across the ring, Kurt stops him, Lethal ducks a clothesline, Kurt catches him and sends him over his head with a released suplex. Kurt goes for the pin, gets a two count. Kurt attempts to set Lethal up for what appears to be an Olympic slam, but Lethal gets turned over and is on Kurt’s shoulder. Kurt tries to slam Lethal down to the mat, but Kurt hits his head on the mat and Lethal goes for the pin. He gets a two count. Lethal points to the sky and heads for the corner post. Lethal goes up on the turnbuckle but Kurt gets to him and throws Lethal into the ring. Kurt goes for the pin, only gets a two count. Kurt has taken to arguing with the ref over the two counts. Kurt sets Lethal up for the ankle lock, Lethal rolls over, kicks Kurt off and into the ropes, Kurt comes toward Lethal and Lethal gets Kurt in a roll up. Lethal gets a two count. Lethal tries for a clothesline, Kurt ducks out of the way and sets Lethal up for the German suplex. Kurt hits the suplex again and a third time. Kurt goes for the pin, gets a two count. Angle proceeds to get angry as he waits for Lethal to get to his feet. Angle tries for the Olympic slam, but Lethal slides down and takes Kurt down with an arm drag. Kurt comes after Lethal with a clothesline, Lethal ducks under Kurt’s arm and connects with the lethal combination. Lethal rolls Kurt over but instead of trying for a cover, Lethal goes up to the top turnbuckle and flies off delivering an elbow to Kurt’s chest. Lethal covers for the pin, gets a two count. Lethal looks like he could cry and is talking to the ref. Lethal picks Kurt up, but Kurt delivers a boot to Lethal’s stomach and an elbow to the back. Kurt picks Lethal up, Kurt tries to set Lethal up, Lethal flips Kurt over his back, Kurt rolls Lethal over, Lethal comes back with a roll up, only gets a two count. Lethal takes a swing at Kurt, Kurt ducks, and has Lethal locked up for another German suplex. Kurt hits one suplex and then releases it. Kurt now takes the straps off his shoulders, a sign he is ready to beat Lethal. Kurt goes for the Olympic slam but Lethal slides down his back completing a roll through. Kurt goes again for the ankle lock, Lethal gets turned over, flips Kurt over, completes a roll up and gets the three count. Lethal slides out of the ring and the audience cheers him on. Lethal looks shocked that he won and asks the ref if he is sure. Angle is in the ring on his knees. Shark Boy, Petey Williams and Sonjay Dutt show up ringside to congratulate Lethal.

YESSSSSS! This is almost embarrassing, but I came out of my chair and almost dropped my laptop at the end of this match. I was hoping the neighbors didn’t hear me scream and call the cops. I can’t tell you how exciting it was to see Jay Lethal win this match. Every time Kurt tried for a pin, I held my breath. This was one exhausting match for both of these men and it made up a little for Kurt not doing much in the first match of the night. Lethal is perfect for the X-Division and as much as it pains me to say it, I don’t think Kurt could have kept up with Lethal at the pace Lethal was moving. I know Kurt doesn’t do the high-risk maneuvers that Lethal uses but Lethal’s speed and energy turned out to be devastating.

We are backstage with JB who says he has the unenviable task of getting a few words with Black Reign before his match with Chris Harris. Black Reign has a little four footed creature in his hand which he introduces as Misty, his artic fox. JB tells him that it isn’t an artic fox, it’s a rat and Black Reign says it is Misty, his artic fox, and asks if JB wants to watch him go on his wheel (referring to Misty, we think). Black Reign says he will be bringing a friend along to his return match with Chris Harris. He will be bringing Misty. Black Reign then recites a ghoulish poem for everyone.

JB is correct. It is not an artic fox that Black Reign is holding, it is a domestic rat.

No Disqualification Match:
Wildcat Chris Harris, from Fort Wright, KY
Black Reign, from the Deepest Darkest Corner of His Mind

Wildcat Chris Harris has the approval of the audience. Black Reign enters the arena carrying his strange looking weapon in one hand and a carrier with Misty the rat (not an artic fox) in the other.

Before the bell rings, after Black Reign has set down Misty’s carrier near the entrance ramp, Wildcat leaves the top turnbuckle and takes Black Reign down to the floor. The bell ring and Wildcat delivers several punches to Black Reign before Black Reign rolls into the ring. Wildcat follows him in and continues with the punches before sending Black Reign across the ring into the ropes and taking him down with a back body drop on his return. Harris continues working on Black Reign with punches before throwing him shoulder first into the corner post. Wildcat sets Black Reign up for a body slam but Black Reign blocks the move and goes after Wildcat. Wildcat ducks down and sends Black Reign over his back, over the top rope and onto the floor precariously close to the steel steps. Wildcat goes out after him, picks Black Reign up and drops him on the guardrail. Wildcat send Black Reign across to the opposite side of the guardrail, Black Reign goes over and hits his head on the mat before his body lands against the guardrail. Wildcat goes for a steel chair and slams Black Reigns head down on the chair. Wildcat throws Black Reign back into the ring, but meets a boot when he tries to follow him in. Black Reign delivers a neck breaker while Wildcat is still between the ropes, sending Wildcat down to the mat inside the ring. Black Reign delivers a fist to Wildcat’s head, picks him up by the hair, sets him up and drops him face first to the mat. Black Reign goes for the pin and gets a two count before Wildcat powers out. Black Reign picks Wildcat up and slams his head into the turnbuckle then slaps Wildcat over and over. Black Reign takes Wildcat across the ring, bulldog, then covers but only gets a two count. Black Reign then appears to be biting Wildcat’s ear. Tenay reminds us the ref doesn’t stop the biting because it is a no disqualification match. Wildcat delivers several punches to Black Reign’s midsection, comes off the ropes and is met by Black Reign’s knee. Black Reign again picks Wildcat up by his hair, sets him up against a corner post, climbs up behind him and again grabs his hair. Before Black Reign can strike, Wildcat turns around and punches him, picks him up and throws him into the ring. Black Reign is back to his feet, swings as Wildcat, Wildcat ducks out of the way. Wildcat hits Black Reign with two forearms, sends him back into the ropes but Black Reign gets the switch and sends Wildcat into the opposite ring post. Wildcat comes off the ropes, ducks under the clothesline, goes off the opposite ropes and takes Black Reign down with a double sledgehammer. Wildcat sends Black Reign into the ring post and brings him out for a face plant bulldog. Wildcat goes for the pin, only gets a two count. Wildcat attempts a suplex, Black Reign blocks it and does a swing around sending Wildcat to the mat. Black Reign goes for his weapon in the corner. Wildcat is still down on one knee in the ring as Black Reign approaches and the ref tries to take the weapon away. Wildcat catches Black Reign off guard, goes for the roll up and gets the three count. Black Reign has his weapon again and is backing up the ref as Wildcat gets to his feet. Wildcat swings Black Reign around and delivers punches to the face and head of Black Reign. Wildcat works the crowd before grabbing the handcuffs and uses them as a weapon as he punches Black Reign again. Black Reign rolls out of the ring and Wildcat follows him. After Wildcat attaches the handcuffs to the bottom ring rope, he picks up Black Reign and Black Reign’s forehead has been cut and he is bleeding. Wildcat works on the cut with his fist and then uses the cuffs to cuff Black Reign to the bottom rope. West tells us that the handcuffs Wildcat has are Black Reign’s handcuffs that he brought to the ring, not Wildcat’s handcuffs. Wildcat goes for a chair and heads for Black Reign but Black Reign catches Wildcat in the abdomen with a boot then gets out his key to undo his handcuffs while Wildcat is down. Harris in on his knees on the floor outside the ring as Black Reign frees himself. Black Reign picks up the chair dropped by Wildcat and hits Wildcat across the back sending him to the floor. Black Reign then takes his artic fox, Misty, out of the cage on the floor and as Black Reign screams, he puts the rat on Wildcat and then kisses the rat.

I always seem to have a complaint when it’s a Wildcat/Black Reign match so I’ll get the match out of the way first.

This was not what I expected from these two this time out but it was a much better match than the match at Hard Justice. Black Reign took some perilous falls in this match proving how tough he is and Wildcat worked just as hard from the beginning to the end. I hope to see more matches between these two and hope Black Reign is able to shed some of the sluggish actions his creation has taken on. Black Reign’s alter personality, Dustin Rhodes, is a favorite of mine and I know he can take his characters far with the right push. Wildcat Chris Harris has done a marvelous job of working his character out of the AMW character that he carried so well for so long. Still too much blood, but it didn’t seem to be nearly as much as Wildcat spilled their Hard Justice “match”.

Now on to my complaint. I’ve already written to TNA via their website to complain about this and I have to vent it here as well. I work with companion animals, in rescue, and was shocked and dismayed that anyone would take a domestic rat out to ringside for any reason. While Black Reign came perilously close to the steel steps after being thrown over the top rope, that was his choice to make. The fact that the first flying leap made by Wildcat landed so close to where Misty’s cage was sitting put me on the edge of my seat and not in a good way. Domestic rats are not my area of expertise but I have rescued and cared for several. I have one now. Rats have a very keen sense of smell and hearing. Either of these would have been overwhelming for Misty at ringside. Rats are not fond of bright lights. I realize that domestic rats have a short lifespan but it is unfair to cause any companion animal stress such as this. I was concerned about Wildcat Chris Harris as well when the rat was placed close to his face. Stressed rats can and do bite and their bites are sharp and painful. I know – been there, done that. Dustin should have been fine because domestic rats aren’t big on human blood.

Back to No Surrender.

We are backstage with Crystal and Christian, Tomko and AJ Styles. Crystal tells Christian there is a difference between sportsmanship, proving you are the best and making it personal. Crystal says that last week Christian make it personal with Samoa Joe by attacking his Samoan dancers. Christian says he doesn’t have to prove he is the best because he is the best. He has never been pinned and never submitted since he has been in TNA. Christian says he took it personal when Joe came out to ringside, hit Christian with a chair and cost him a shot at the Championship. Christian says that Joe took it so personally because he cares about his family when the only thing Christian cares about is Christian and becoming the World Heavy Weight Champion for the third time. Christian says he doesn’t need people to fight his battles and he’s giving AJ and Tomko the night off because they have a big match of their own. And he’s the kind of boss everyone wants to have. He then tells Tomko that he has his IWGP tag team title and its legit and Christian wants AJ and Tomko to go on and win the tag team titles in the United States. AJ asks Christian what he wants them to do and Christian tells AJ that he wants him to go out there and be a champion just like AJ’s idol and AJ says Barry Sanders didn’t win a championship but Tomko tells Christian not to worry, they will go out there and be champs just like their idol.

Tag Team Gauntlet Match

Wrestlers enter the ring individually at one-minute intervals and can be eliminated by going over the top rope to the floor. Winning team are contenders for the TNA Tag Team titles.

Phenomenal AJ Styles, from Gainesville, GA (Styles & Tomko)
Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels (& Elix Skipper, Triple X)
Senshi accompanies Daniels to the top of the entrance ramp

The bell rings. AJ and Daniels face off in the ring. They stand toe to toe and trash talk before AJ delivers a hard right to Daniels’ jaw. Daniels returns the favor with a hard right of his own. The two men take turns exchanging punches in the middle of the ring until AJ goes down on one knee. Daniels picks AJ up, but AJ smacks Daniels in the throat area. AJ has Daniels in a side headlock until Daniels sends AJ into the ropes. AJ comes off the ropes, Daniels drops down and AJ goes over him to the opposite side of the ring, off those ropes and Daniels jumps over AJ. AJ comes back at Daniels and AJ now jumps over Daniels, Daniels comes off the ropes and goes over AJ, Daniels comes off the opposite ropes and AJ attempts a leap but Daniels stops himself with the ropes and AJ hits air and then the mat. Daniels comes off the ropes again and AJ leaps again, this time connecting and sending Daniels down to the mat. AJ keeps Daniels on the mat with a series of kicks and stomps with his boots. AJ comes off the ropes and Daniels takes him down with a spinning power slam. Both men are down on the mat, Daniels is first on his feet.

Homicide (Homicide & Hernandez, LAX) enters the ring. Vs.
Daniels is back on his feet. He slams AJ’s head into the top turnbuckle then nails him with a fist when he turns around. Homicide greets Daniels with a boot to the midsection, then sends Daniels off the ropes and hits the mat. Daniels comes off the ropes and goes over Homicide, Homicide catches him with a shoulder as he comes off the opposite ropes. Homicide delivers another boot to Daniels’ abdomen and tries to send him into the ropes. Daniels gets the switch and sends Homicide into the ropes but Homicide catches Daniels and sends him to the mat. Homicide sets up Daniels, but notices AJ charging at him. Homicide shoves Daniels out of the way and slams AJ to the mat with a back body drop. Homicide goes after AJ but Daniels catches Homicide from behind and slams him to the mat. Daniels sends a boot into Homicide’s midsection then a fist to the head. AJ takes his turn sending a fist into Homicide as well. Daniels and AJ then work together stomping a downed Homicide with their boots.

Chris Sabin (Alex Shelley & Chris Sabin, Motor City Machineguns) enters the ring. Vs.
Daniels and AJ are still working on Homicide but AJ turns as Sabin enters the ring. AJ goes after Sabin, Sabin rolls and comes up behind AJ. Sabin pokes AJ in the eye and turns to get a boot in the abdomen from Daniels. Sabin and Daniels face off but Sabin pokes Daniels in the eye and turns to meet Homicide. Homicide sends Sabin into the corner post, but Sabin grabs the top ropes and goes up and over Homicide, coming down behind him. As Homicide meets the post and turns, Sabin pokes him in the eye. Sabin throws Homicide into the opposite ropes and comes after him with a clothesline. Sabin then sends Homicide down with a face plant bulldog before stopping to work the crowd. Sabin picks up Homicide and Homicide sends a punch to Sabin’s face. Sabin and Homicide exchange blows until Daniels runs up and they take him down to the mat. Daniels is back on his feet and Homicide and Sabin take turns punching Daniels. Homicide picks up Daniels and body slams him to the mat while AJ takes on Sabin. Sabin picks AJ up and slams him face first into the turnbuckle. Homicide goes up top on one turnbuckle, Sabin goes up top on the opposite turnbuckle.

Havok (Havok & Raven, Serotonin) enters the ring at a dead run.

Havok runs into the ring and across to hit Sabin who is still on the top turnbuckle. Daniels has Homicide down off the turnbuckle in the opposite corner. Havok flies across the ring and takes Homicide down to the mat with a high knee. Havok then sends a fist to AJ and follows up with a fist to Daniels. Havok sends AJ to the mat with an arm drag and sends Daniels to the mat with a flying head scissors. Havok slams AJ’s face into the mat then picks him up and power slams him to the mat. Sabin goes up to the top turnbuckle and flies across the ring to take Havok down with a clothesline. Homicide takes over and takes Havok down to the mat again. Havok slings Homicide into the corner, Daniels throws his shoulder down, sends Homicide over his back and over the top rope to the floor.

Homicide eliminated.

Petey Williams (Petey Williams & Sonjay Dutt) Vs.

Petey enters the ring and goes after Havok. Petey delivers a boot to the midsection then takes him down with a Canadian destroyer. Sabin has Petey lined up, but Petey sees him coming and takes Sabin down with an elbow. Petey picks Sabin up to send him over the ropes, but Sabin gets a switch and Petey goes over the top rope, landing on the ring apron. When Sabin realizes Petey is still in the game, he charges and Petey catches him with a shoulder block. Petey flies over the top rope and brings Sabin down in what appears to be a jawbreaker but Daniels nails Petey in the back. Daniels slams Petey’s head into the turnbuckle. AJ Styles and Sabin are exchanging blows on the opposite side of the ring. AJ goes back across the ring and charges Sabin but Sabin catches him with a foot. Sabin spring boards off the top rope, catches AJ but AJ gets a switch, picks Sabin up and tosses him over the top rope to the floor.

Chris Sabin eliminated.

Brother Devon (Brother Devon & Brother Ray, Team 3D) charges to the ring.

AJ goes for Devon as he enters the ring but Devon drops him with a clothesline. Daniels comes after Devon and Devon takes him down with a clothesline. Petey is next in line for a Devon clothesline. Devon tosses AJ across into the ropes and then delivers a body slam. Daniels again comes at Devon and is met with Devon’s fist. Devon gives AJ a fist to the face before going after Daniels and choking him against the ring post. Devon sends AJ into the ropes and takes him down with a corkscrew elbow. Daniels sends Devon into the ropes, Devon ducks Daniels clothesline, and takes Daniels down with a shoulder block. Devon has Daniels down and is choking him with a boot or a knee using the ropes for leverage.

Jimmy Rave (Jimmy Rave & Lance Hoyt) enters the ring.

Christy Hemme accompanies Rave to the top of the entrance ramp.


Tenay tells us that Rave is returning to TNA and asks West how long it has been. West says it has been at least three years.

Daniels meets Rave as he enters the ring. Rave ducks the clothesline Daniels has waiting for him and gives Daniels two chops sending him to the mat. Petey Williams tries to send Rave into the ropes, Rave gets the switch, sending Petey into the ropes instead. Petey comes off the ropes and is met by Rave’s knee. Rave hits the ropes, comes back at Petey and nails him with a boot to the chest. AJ sends a boot into Rave’s midsection then sends him across into the ropes. As Rave comes off the ropes, AJ tries to set him up but Rave takes AJ down and has him in a wristlock. Daniels comes to AJ’s aid by planting a boot in Rave’s back. Petey is working on Devon and Daniels is working on Rave.

Brother Ray (Brother Devon & Brother Ray, Team 3D) enters the ring. Devon is presently in the ring.


Devon and Ray are the only tag team members in the ring together. Daniels makes a run toward Ray and gets a boot to the chest. Ray sends a fist to Havok and then to Rave. Devon sends Havok toward Devon who catches him and sends him up and over the top rope.

Havok eliminated.

Ray stomps on Petey and heads toward AJ. Devon is working on Rave. Ray turns his attention to Daniels, sending open handed slaps to the chest while Ray sends fists to Rave’s face. AJ attempts to pick Ray up to throw him over the ropes but Ray gets a grip on the ropes so AJ sends hard slaps to Ray’s chest, then a high kick to the back of Ray’s head. Devon goes down to one knee.

Raven (Havok & Raven, Serotonin) enters the ring – Partner Havok already eliminated.

In the ring, Petey is working on Daniels, Rave is working on Devon, and AJ is working on Ray. Raven enters the ring and ducks a clothesline by AJ. Raven delivers several punches to AJ and then takes him down with a clothesline. As Daniels approaches, Raven punches him in the head and then takes the rag he carries and shoves it into Daniels’ face. Ray and Devon come up behind Raven and sends him over the top rope to the floor.

Raven eliminated.

Ray begins stomping Petey as Devon punches Rave. Devon sends Rave’s face into the turnbuckle and Daniels throws punches at Ray. Rave and AJ attempt to toss Devon over the top rope while Petey helps Daniels with Ray.

Shark Boy (Shark Boy & Eric Young)

Shark Boy enters the ring and takes Daniels down with a clothesline, then takes Rave down with a clothesline then takes Daniels to the mat with a standing drop kick. Shark Boy takes down AJ with a neck breaker, delivers a kick to the midsection to Rave, then takes him down to the mat. Shark Boy meets Devon and Devon’s greeting is a fist to the head. Devon tosses Shark Boy over the top rope, but Shark Boy gets a grip on the top rope and stays on the ring apron. Shark Boy comes back in the ring and delivers a shark bite to Devon before Ray picks Shark Boy up and drops him to the floor outside.

Shark Boy eliminated.

The Guru Sonjay Dutt (Petey Williams & Sonjay Dutt) enters the ring. Petey is presently in the ring.


Sonjay and Petey make two complete tag teams in the ring. Daniels takes a swing at Sonjay when he enters the ring but Sonjay ducks out of the way. Daniels and AJ go to work on Sonjay but when they send Sonjay into the ropes, he springboards off the second rope and takes them both down with a double clothesline. Petey and Ray are working on each other on one side of the ring as Devon and Rave battle it out on the other side. Devon sends Rave over the top rope and onto the floor.

Jimmy Rave eliminated.

Devon sends Petey Williams over the top rope.

Petey Williams eliminated.

Sonjay and AJ are battling it out. AJ sends Sonjay towards Daniels, AJ gets behind Sonjay to trip him and Daniels hits Sonjay with a clothesline. Ray delivers a boot to AJ’s midsection, then delivers a fist to Daniels. Devon slams AJ to the mat but Daniels catches Devon and slams him to the mat. Ray stops Daniels with a full nelson bomb. AJ comes off the top rope, taking Ray down.

BG James (BJ & Kip James, VKM)


BG is accompanied by Roxy Laveaux the Voodoo Queen

In the ring, Sonjay is the only man standing. BG goes after Ray with punches keeping Ray against the ropes. BG turns his attention to Devon on the opposite side of the ring delivering punches and slamming Devon’s head into the turnbuckle. BG chokes AJ with a boot while Daniels works on Devon and Ray works on Sonjay. Ray sends a loud slap to Sonjay’s chest. Daniels is trying to get Devon over the top rope, Ray slaps Sonjay in the chest again.

Hernandez (Homicide & Hernandez, LAX) – Partner Homicide previously eliminated.


Hernandez gets a big welcome from the crowd and slaps hands on his way to the ring. Sonjay comes at Hernandez and is immediately taken down by a big shoulder block. Daniels comes at Hernandez and gets the same treatment. Hernandez sends Sonjay into the turnbuckle, but Sonjay catches Hernandez with a foot. Sonjay comes off the turnbuckle and tries to take down Hernandez, but Hernandez has Sonjay high in the air and sends him up and over onto the mat. AJ goes for Hernandez and is met by a boot. Hernandez has AJ up in the air, but AJ breaks free, turns and comes back at Hernandez and is met by a clothesline. Daniels connects with a swing to Hernandez, sending him into the corner post. Hernandez and Daniels fight it on in one corner, Devon and BG are in another corner, Ray and AJ are in yet another corner and Sonjay is down on the mat. Devon sends BG into the top turnbuckle headfirst and follows up with several right hands.

Tomko (Tomko & AJ Styles) – Styles is presently in the ring.


Ray attacks Tomko as soon as he enters the ring. He delivers punches to Tomko’s chest and midsection before calling for Devon. Devon and Ray send Tomko across the ring into the ropes, off the ropes, Tomko takes out Devon with a clothesline and Ray with a boot. Tomko sends Devon over the top ropes. Devon lands on the ring apron. Tomko has a grip on Devon when Ray charges from across the ring. Tomko steps out of the way and Ray sends Devon to the floor. As Ray looks stunned at what has happened, Tomko takes the opportunity to send him over the top rope to join Devon.

Brother Devon and Brother Ray are eliminated.

Hernandez and Tomko are face to face when AJ attacks Hernandez from behind and Daniels attacks Tomko from behind. Daniels sends knees to Tomko’s abdomen and AJ takes on Hernandez on the opposite side of the ring.

Elix Skipper (Christopher Daniels & Elix Skipper, Triple X) – Daniels is presently in the ring.

Elix Skipper is accompanied to the top of the ramp by Senshi the third member of Triple X.


Tomko has Daniels backed into a corner post while Hernandez is working on AJ in the opposite side of the ring. Skipper immediately assists Daniels with Tomko and they double team Tomko. BG and Sonjay are locked up and Hernandez has AJ down on the mat. Tomko breaks out and delivers blows to Skipper and Daniels sending them both reeling. Hernandez heads for Sonjay. Daniels and Skipper try to send Tomko over the top rope, but Tomko has a grip on the ropes. Hernandez is working on getting Sonjay out of the ring, but Sonjay lands on the ring apron.

Alex Shelley (Chris Sabin & Alex Shelley) – Partner Sabin previously eliminated.


Skipper and Daniels have Tomko down in the ring. Sonjay approaches Shelley to give him a friendly hug and Shelley spits on Sonjay. Shelley sets Sonjay up upside down on a ring post then shakes the ropes until he falls. BG is taking on AJ but Shelley grabs him and sends him over the top rope and onto the floor.

BG James eliminated.

Daniels goes after Shelley but Shelley gives him an inverted atomic drop then delivers a high kick to send Daniels to the mat. Tomko and Skipper slug it out while Hernandez and AJ are fighting in another part of the ring.

Lance Hoyt (Lance Hoyt & Jimmy Rave enters the ring – Partner Rave previously eliminated.

Lance Hoyt is accompanied by Christy Hemme to the top of the entrance ramp.


In the ring, Shelley and Daniels exchange blows. Lance enters the ring and goes after Sonjay with a slam to the back. Lance picks up Sonjay and sends him flying across the ring. Lance then choke slams Daniels but Skipper blindsides Lance with a punch to the face. Skipper swings again, Lance ducks, Lance picks up Skipper and throws him over the top rope. Skipper’s head appears to bounce off the ring apron before he hit the floor. Lance goes after Daniels and the referee is down on the floor with Skipper. In the ring, Tomko is delivering punches and chops to Lance who is backed up against a ring post. Lance is out of the corner, Tomko throws a punch, Lance ducks, and sends Tomko several fists to the head.

Kip James (BG James & Kip James, VKM) enters the ring – Partner BG previously eliminated.

Shelley is working on Daniels, Kip enters the ring, takes down Shelley and goes after Daniels, pounding on him. Lance is working on Daniels on the opposite side of the ring. Lance and Kip spot each other and head toward each other. Kip sends a hard right to Lance’s head, sending him down to the mat then goes to work on Tomko with boots. Kip goes looking for someone else to beat up when Sonjay appears and gives him a big hug in the middle of the ring. Kip looks confused then picks up Sonjay and throws him over the top rope. Kip goes after Hernandez while Lance works on Shelley. Kip has AJ down and is stomping him but Daniels hits kip with a slam to the back. Tomko saves Shelley from Lance who was working to get Shelley over the top rope, Hernandez sends Daniels into the ring post and then performs a running dive smashing into Daniels.

Eric Young (Shark Boy & Eric Young) – Partner Shark Boy previously eliminated.

Eric is the final entry into the gauntlet.

In the ring, Tomko sends Lance to the mat with a big fist to the head, then slams him headfirst into the turnbuckle. The audience greets Eric enthusiastically as he timidly makes his way to the ring. Eric enters the ring and gets Shelley in a side headlock. As Shelley tries to break out of the hold, Eric releases him and gets Lance in a side headlock. He releases Lance and goes after Kip, getting him in a side headlock and as Kip tries to break the hold, Eric flips up and over and lands on his feet, getting the side headlock a second time on Kip. Kip picks Eric up and back body drops him on the mat. Tomko and Hernandez are again nose-to-nose in the ring. They exchange forearms in the middle of the ring. Hernandez picks Tomko up and sets him on the top turnbuckle. AJ sees Tomko in trouble and hits Hernandez from behind before he can send Tomko over the top to the floor. Eric has Daniels backed up against a corner post. Hernandez charges at Tomko and Tomko sends Hernandez over his shoulder, over the top rope and to the floor.

Hernandez is eliminated.

Daniels is on the top turnbuckle and Eric is working to get him off the turnbuckle. Tomko is looking at Hernandez on the floor. Eric runs up behind Tomko and sends him over the top rope to the floor next to Hernandez.

Tomko is eliminated.

Kip sends a drop kick in the direction of Lance and connects. Lance goes over the top rope and to the floor.

Lance Hoyt is eliminated.

Daniels comes after Kip and they exchange blows. Kip picks up Daniels to send him over the top rope, but Daniels takes Kip with him and they both hit the floor.

Christopher Daniels eliminated.

Kip James eliminated.

In the ring remain AJ Styles, Alex Shelley, and Eric Young. AJ has been in the match since the opening bell, Eric was the last one to enter the match. AJ works on Eric to try to get him to join forces then Shelley does the same. Shelley kisses Eric’s foot and then AJ cuts loose with a fist, Eric fights back punching both men. Eric runs back and forth trying to send one or both of the other wrestlers over the top rope. AJ catches Eric and sends him over the top rope, Eric lands on the ring apron. AJ throws a punch at Eric, Eric blocks it and connects with a fist to AJ’s head. Shelley heads for Eric and Eric sends a shoulder block in to stop Shelley. AJ charges at Eric and Eric flips him up and over but AJ lands on the ring apron with Eric. AJ throws punches at Eric, Eric flips AJ up over his back but AJ lands inside the ring. Shelley comes after Eric and Eric slides under the ropes and under Alex. Shelley and AJ work together to toss Eric over the top rope to the floor.

Eric Young eliminated perilously close to the steel steps.

Shelley is now working the crowd to garner support for himself as he and Sabin prepare to square off against AJ and Tomko. Shelley puts his hands up for a time out waiting for his partner to enter the ring. Sabin comes down the entrance ramp. Down the opposite entrance ramp, Tomko enters the arena.

To begin the final leg of the gauntlet, it is Shelley facing Tomko. Sabin enters the ring and hits Tomko, Tomko turns to Sabin and Shelley hits Tomko from behind. Tomko takes out Shelley with a fist and then Sabin. Tomko goes over the AJ and when he turns, Shelley takes trips him and takes him down, and Sabin comes off the ropes and lands with an elbow to Tomko’s back. Shelley comes off the ropes, rolls over Tomko and grabs his neck while Sabin comes off the ropes and lands with a drop kick to Tomko’s head. Sabin and Shelley send Tomko into the corner post, Sabin sends Shelley to smash into Tomko and Sabin follows with an elbow to Tomko. Shelley goes outside on the ring apron to send a high kick to Tomko’s head and Sabin sends a kick from inside the ring to take Tomko down to the mat. Shelley pushes AJ off the ring apron while Sabin goes for a cover, gets thrown off, Shelley tries for a cover, gets thrown off, Sabin goes for a cover, gets thrown off, Shelley tries for a cover, gets thrown off. Shelley comes off the ropes and hits Tomko in the chest but Tomko doesn’t move. Sabin comes off the ropes and hits Tomko with a clothesline, Tomko doesn’t move and Sabin grimaces in pain. Shelley comes off the ropes at Tomko and Tomko gets him by the throat, Sabin comes at Tomko from the side and meets Tomko’s boot. Tomko throws Shelley into a corner post then tags in AJ. Tomko slingshots AJ into Shelley but Shelley gets out of the way and AJ goes up on the ropes. Shelley goes after Tomko and gets an atomic drop for his troubles. AJ goes up on the second rope and comes off to take Shelley down with a DDT. Shelley rolls out of the ring and Sabin is back on his feet inside the ring. AJ takes down Sabin with a clothesline then swings around and connects a boot to Sabin’s head, taking Sabin down to the mat again. Sabin comes up off the floor and sends a high kick to the back of AJ’s skull. Sabin has AJ up on his shoulders, but AJ slides down, taking Sabin to the mat with him. Shelley is on the top turnbuckle and takes AJ out with a frog splash. Sabin goes across the ring, uses Shelley as a springboard and drop kicks Tomko off the ring apron and into the guardrail. Shelley goes back across the ring and flies out between the ropes to spear Tomko back into the guardrail. Sabin charges at AJ and brings up a boot, but AJ grabs his ankle, AJ swings Sabin around and Sabin comes back with a forearm. AJ flies up in the air and comes down on Sabin’s head. Sabin rolls up AJ, AJ rolls up Sabin and gets the three count. Tomko and AJ Styles are now contenders for the TNA Tag Team titles.

These matches are one of the reasons I keep coming back to TNA. I am surprised, but glad, that Tomko and AJ Styles have a chance to go for the gold. There were so many tag teams to choose from here and everyone in the ring gave it their best. I’ve applauded Sabin and Shelley before. They did another bang up job tonight. It bothers me that after all of this work, Tomko and AJ will be facing a non-wrestling team like Team Pacman for the titles. They deserve a better match than that. To everyone else who participated in this gauntlet, thanks for a fantastic fast paced action filled super match!

We are in the back with JB who is with Samoa Joe and his family. Joe is mad and he is demanding an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth and blood for blood.

The Instant Classic Christian Cage, from Tampa, FL by way of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
The Samoan Submission Machine, Samoa Joe, from the Isle of Samoa

Joe runs down the ramp and into the ring but Christian is ready and the match is started off with an exchange of blows. Joe pulls back and delivers a big haymaker, sending Christian to the mat. Joe sends Christian across the ring and into the ropes and then delivers a highflying boot to Christian as he comes back towards the center of the ring. Joe delivers a boot to the midsection and two kicks to the chest sending Christian to the mat again. As Joe again tries to pick up Christian, Christian delivers a head but to Joe’s abdomen then hits him with fists before trying to send him across the ring. Joe gets the switch, sends Christian across to the ring post and follows to smash an elbow into Christian’s head. Joe follows with a high kick to the back of Christian’s skull. The crowd is rooting for Joe and he stops to work them a little before turning back to Christian. Joe uses his boot to work on Christian’s forehead and face before the referee backs him off. Joe charges across the ring and delivers a boot to Christian’s head. Christian rolls out on the ring apron and Joe heads out of the ring. He takes Christian by the legs, swings him around and slams him into the guardrail, bending the guardrail inward. Christian heads up the entrance ramp with Joe hot on his trail. Joe turns him around and slams a chop into Christian’s chest, sending him rolling off the ramp. Joe sends Christian into the guardrail and over the steps and into the other side of the guardrail. Joe rolls Christian back in the ring. Joe follows him in and Christian greets him with a boot to the midsection, a chop to the chest, before sending him across and into the ropes. As Joe comes off the ropes, Christian sets him up for a dropkick but Joe nonchalantly strolls out of the way and sends Christian crashing to the mat. Joe delivers a slap to Christian’s back and a kick to his Jaw. Joe comes down with a knee and goes for the pin. He gets a two count. Christian is out on the ring apron, Joe tries to bring Christian back in but Christian shrugs him off. Joe comes toward Christian again and Christian delivers a shoulder block to Joes’ midsection and starts to go over the top rope, but Joe catches him with a high kick to the head, sending Christian to the floor. Joe backs up and charges across the ring, coming out to connect with Christian with a suicide dive. Joe picks Christian up and Christian crawls back into the ring with Joe behind him. As Joe starts to go through the ropes Christian delivers a kick to Joe’s ankle. The referee talks to Christian but Joe isn’t in the ring yet as Christian heads toward him. Christian grabs Joe’s head and drops to the mat sending Joe down to the apron. Christian delivers stomps to Joe’s head and then a series of punches as Joe is getting back to his feet. Christian sends Joe into the ropes and uses a drop kick to take him down again. Christian goes for the cover but only gets a one count. Joe is working on Joe’s head and neck before the ref backs him off. The ref checks on Joe and Christian comes after him, but Joe sends an elbow into Christians abdomen and then slams rights and lefts into Christian’s head and face. Joe goes into the ropes and is met with a clothesline as he comes out. Christian again goes for the cover and gets a two count. Christian works on Joe’s neck, trying to keep Joe down on the mat. As Joe crawls toward the ropes, Christian pulls Joe back to the center of the ring using Joe’s trunks. Joe is up on his feet and throws himself backwards on top of Christian forcing him to break the hold. Joe is to his feet first, Christian uses the ropes to regain his balance. Christian comes after Joe and Joe slides down sending Christian over and onto the mat. Joe goes up in the air and comes down on his back to land on Christian, but Christian gets his knees up and sends Joe over on the mat. Christian goes for the pin and gets a two count before Joe gets a shoulder up. Christian gets Joe to his feet, takes him over and strangles him on the ropes. The ref breaks it up. Christian stops to work the crowd. Christian uses his boot to push against the side of Joe’s head, grinding his boot across Joes’ face. Christian charges at Joe to kick him in the face but Joe catches his foot and shoves Christian away from him. Joe is on his feet, Christian charges again and Joe uses one arm to pick Christian up and slam him to the mat. Both men are down in the ring. Christian takes a swing at Joe, Joe ducks, Christian swings again and Joe ducks again before landing a solid right on Christian’s jaw. Joe heads for the ropes, springs off and sends Christian down with a clothesline. Joe comes off the opposite ropes and hits Christian with another clothesline. Joe picks Christian up but Christian gets behind Joe and tries to pick him up but Joe switches around and gets behind Christian. Christian uses an elbow to get Joe to release the hold, Joe picks Christian up on his shoulders, drops him back on the mat and goes for the cover. Joe gets a two count. Joe delivers a head butt and a right hand then another right, sending Christian back into a ring post. Joe charges at Christian and delivers a high knee. Joe goes back and charges at Christian again but Christian catches him with a drop toehold sending him onto the second rope. Christian stands on Joe’s back, pulling on the top rope in order to choke Joe. Christian goes across the ring, charges at Joe’s back, Joe turns and delivers an inverted atomic drop, goes back against the ropes and delivers a leg to Christian’s chest. Joe charges across the ring, dives on his back on Christian, covers, only gets a two count. Joe looks at the ref, looks around at the audience and nods his head. Christian gets to his feet, goes for the rear naked clutch, Christian turns and tries to set Joe up, Joe sends Christian into the ring post and goes after him. Joe meets Christian’s elbow, Christian grabs Joe by the head and throws him to the mat. Christian goes up on the top turnbuckle and goes for the frog splash, Joe rolls out of the way and Christian meets the mat. Joe hits the power bomb, holds Christian’s shoulders down and gets a two count. Joe goes for the cross face with Christian’s leg hooked, the arms locked in but Christian won’t tap. Christian gets Joe rolled over on his back and gets a two count before Joe releases the hold in order to avoid losing the match. Joe hits Christian with a slap to the face twice and then changes to closed fists. Joe puts Christian up on the top turnbuckle and sets him up for the muscle buster but Christian breaks free, ducks Joe’s clothesline, comes off the ropes and gets caught by Joe’s snap slam. Joe gets another two count. Christian is on the ring apron and when Joe approaches, Christian jabs him in the eye. Christina goes up on the second rope and Joe catches him with a chop to the chest. Joe climbs the other side of the ropes, Joe has Christian on his shoulders, but Christian manages to get behind Joe and bring him down on the back of his head. Christian covers and only gets a two count. Christian is up, he tries to set Joe up for a slam but Joe manages to get behind Christian and get his arms around Christian’s neck. Joe drops down to the mat and Christian’s shoulders are down, but his feet are in the ropes. Joe moves around and keeps the rear naked clutch locked in. Christian manages to grab the rope and the ref has to pull Joe’s hair to get him to break the hold on Christian. Joe shoves the ref back and goes after Christian again with a choke hold. The ref again grabs Joe’s hair to make him break the hold and Joe picks up the ref and slams him to the mat. Joe sets Christian back up on the ropes and sets him up for the muscle buster, hits it, and instead of going for a pin, begins beating Christian with his fists. One member of Security comes through the ropes on one side of the ring and Joe throws him out through the other side of the ring. The next member of Security gets taken down by a boot courtesy of Joe. The next two members of Security get taken out. Another ref comes to ringside and rings the bell disqualifying Joe. Petey Williams, Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal enter the ring to try to get Joe to stop. Joe sends Petey through the ropes and to the floor, shoves Sonjay down to the mat and throws Jay Lethal, using his hair, over the top rope. Joe takes the shirt off one of the downed Security guards, wraps it around Christian’s throat and hangs him over the ropes, using his foot on the ropes for leverage. Jim Cornette and Matt Morgan enter the ring and Morgan forcibly removes Joe from his hold on Christian. The crowd is chanting for Joe as Cornette tries to reason with Joe. Cornette tells Joe he can’t kill Christian. Cornette tells Joe he’s gone to far, but Joe flips off Morgan and Cornette individually as they leave the ring.

Joe did it again. The match was his usual keep you amazed match and how does he do that match and you can’t stop watching until it’s over match. And say what you will about Christian, he did some fantastic work in the ring as well. I don’t know how these two managed to work as hard and go as far as they did with this. Christian took some major hits and kept getting up. Joe took some nasty hits, too. I don’t know why these two aren’t in the running for the TNA Championship. They deserve it.

BJ is backstage with Kurt Angle before his match with Abyss. JB reminds Kurt that things have not been going his way and he has lost two of his three titles. Kurt decides to take down a sign having a temper tantrum then rants about Sting slapping his wife and about Jay Lethal not beating him because there wasn’t a three count. Kevin Nash steps in to tell Kurt to calm down and Kurt tells him that Abyss will have to kill him to take his title and that Kevin doesn’t know what it’s like, he isn’t in his shoes, and tells him to back off, literally shoving Nash. Nash tells him he has enough trouble tonight without adding him to the list. Nash tells him he will lose everything tonight if he doesn’t get focused. Kurt tells him to go to hell.

Someone needs to explain to Kurt that if he wants to see whether or not Sting hit his ho, all he has to do is watch the replay…the same thing goes with Jay Lethal’s win. It was not cool calling Lethal names. Kurt is not what the X-Division is whereas Lethal fits right in. It is nothing against Kurt. Kurt can wrestle and I won’t argue that. Kurt is not a highflying risk taker and he may be quick, but he does not have the speed of a Jay Lethal.

Mike Tenay is standing in the middle of the ring to make the special announcement everyone has been talking about. We get the history of TNA wrestling from the beginning to today. The announcement is that TNA will go to two hours starting Thursday night, October 4, 2007.

Oh good, that makes my recaps now two hours long.

Crystal is backstage with Jones and The Truth to congratulate them on becoming the TNA Tag Team Champions. The Truths says they didn’t just shock the world, they shocked the universe. Jones says they have to go to his hometown, Atlanta, GA, for Bound For Glory. The Truth says “If you can’t run with the big dogs” and Jones finishes with “stay your ass on the porch”.

Someone get Jones a reading coach. Please. What shocks me is that TNA thinks they are pulling this off. What shocks me is that TNA hasn’t figured out TNA fans are offended by the fake wrestler Jones. I’m offended that The Truth and Jones would make any reference to the canine species. Jones did what Jones has done since he showed up at TNA. Nothing.

TNA World Heavyweight Title Match
The Monster Abyss
Kurt Angle, from Pittsburgh, PA
Current TNA World Heavyweight Champion

Referee Hebner gives the wrestlers the rules for the main event. Hebner does note there will be no outside interference from anyone, including Mrs. Angle and he guaranteed that.

The bell rings, Abyss and Kurt lock up in the ring. Abyss takes Kurt into the corner post, the referee calls for a clean break and Abyss backs away. Kurt grabs Abyss around the waist setting up for a German suplex. Abyss pries Kurt’s hands away and butts into him to send him backward toward the ropes. They lock up again and Kurt applies a side headlock. Abyss backs Kurt into the ropes, sends him across to the ropes on the opposite side of the ring, and takes Kurt down with a clotheslines. Kurt rolls out of the ring and onto the floor. Kurt walks around to figure out his strategy and Abyss waits for him in the ring. Kurt is back in the ring, he slides behind Abyss and takes him down and applies a front face lock. Abyss gets to his feet, picks up Kurt, sets him up on the top turnbuckle and the ref calls for a clean break. Abyss draws back his fist, but breaks clean after patting Kurt on the top of the head. Kurt jumps off the turnbuckle and back into the ring, kicks the ropes and mouths something to Abyss. Kurt tries to get in Abyss’s face and ends up standing on tiptoe to look Abyss in the eye. Kurt draws back and delivers a hard right fist to Abyss’s jaw and Abyss doesn’t move. Abyss steps toward Kurt and Kurt takes another shot. Abyss still doesn’t move. Kurt takes another shot and rocks Abyss slightly. As Abyss walks toward him, Kurt puts up his hands to either slow Abyss down or beg him not to hit back. Kurt turns to walk away and Abyss grabs the straps on the back of Kurt’s outfit. Kurt tries to run but ends up running in place much to the amusement of the audience. As Kurt turns around, Abyss hits him with a hard right to the top of the head that sends Kurt to the mat. Abyss sends Kurt across into the ropes, picks him up as he comes off and drops him face first on the mat. When Angle gets to his feet, he delivers a clothesline that sends Kurt over the top rope and onto the floor. Kurt is against the guardrail on the floor. Abyss decides not to wait and goes out to get Kurt. Abyss slams Kurt face first onto the steel steps. Abyss picks up Kurt again and sends him into the guardrail. Angle is holding is shoulder as he rolls back into the ring and is down on the mat as Abyss climbs back in. As Abyss nears Kurt, who is still on the floor, Kurt tries to kick Abyss but doesn’t connect. Abyss opens up with a series of right hands to Kurt’s head while the ref is trying to back Abyss out of the corner. The ref gets to a two count before Abyss moves and the ref runs out of the way. Abyss picks Kurt up, puts him over his shoulder, heads for the center of the ring but Kurt manages to break free, goes to the mat, and takes Abyss down with a forearm behind the knee. Both men are down on the mat. Kurt delivers a series of stomps and kicks to the knee, sets it up on the rope and drops down with his full weight on the leg. Abyss gets back to his feet and Abyss is up against the ring post. Kurt is still kicking the injured knee when Abyss breaks loose with hard fists to Kurt’s head, backing him up but Angle again kicks the knee, sending Abyss back against the corner post. Kurt grabs Abyss by the hair and pulls him out to the center of the ring. Kurt against slams against Abyss’s knee, sending him to the mat and Kurt is down continuing to work on the knee. As Kurt holds Abyss’s knee at an awkward angle, the audience tries to get Abyss to fight back. Kurt stands up, stomps on the knee and punches Abyss in the head. Abyss is to his feet, he slaps Kurt in the chest, and then follows up with several more slaps. He sends Kurt across the ring, Kurt ducks Abyss’s clothesline, goes back behind him and takes him down by the knee. Again Kurt goes to work on the injured knee of Abyss, twisting his leg and applying pressure with his own knee. Abyss reaches for the ropes but he is too far away. Abyss gets Kurt down on the mat and uses his good leg to slam into Kurt’s neck and head, forcing him to break the hold. Both men are on their feet and again Kurt kicks the back of Abyss’s knee as Abyss uses the rope to stay standing. Abyss is down on his knees, gets back to his feet, Kurt sweeps the legs, sending Abyss down to the mat. Abyss is back on his feet and again Kurt uses a forearm on the injured knee to send Abyss crashing to the mat. Kurt has Abyss’s knee over the rope and is using the bottom rope to inflict further damage. The ref gets to a four count before Kurt breaks the hold. Kurt drags Abyss away from the ropes and again works on the knee. Abyss gets his good leg centered on Kurt’s chest and shoves Kurt across the ring. Abyss gets back to his feet and is again hit in the knee and Abyss hangs onto the top rope. Kurt continues the assault on the knee but as he charges, Abyss meets him with a clothesline that sends Kurt to the mat. Kurt is down on the mat, but Abyss can’t let go of the ropes. Abyss gingerly walks across the ring and nails Kurt with a fist, then another, sending Kurt down to the mat. Kurt is against the ring post, Abyss charges and slams into Kurt. Abyss goes across the ring again to charge Kurt. This time Kurt moves and Abyss goes into the ring post. Abyss has his hands on the top ropes and again Kurt has him by the waist. Abyss uses his elbow to break the hold then turns and Abyss tries for the bear hug. He can’t get it locked in and Kurt charges across the ring to come off the ropes. Abyss maneuvers a spine buster and covers for the pin. Abyss gets a two count. Both men are on their feet and Kurt again kicks at Abyss’s injured knee. Kurt backs up to charge Abyss, but Abyss gets out of the way and Kurt goes shoulder first into the corner post. Abyss is waiting and hits the shock treatment, but only gets a two count. Abyss goes for the choke slam, Kurt gets it turned, does a roll through and goes for the pin. Kurt gets a two count. Kurt goes after Abyss with fists but Abyss fights back and takes Angle to the corner post to slam his head against the top turnbuckle. Abyss sends Kurt into the corner post and charges, but Kurt gets out of the way and Abyss hits the corner post. Kurt sends Abyss to the mat with a German suplex, then Kurt takes down the straps on his suit before taking Abyss up for an Olympic slam. Kurt goes for the pin, gets a two count. Kurt sets Abyss for the ankle lock, but Abyss again gets a boot in Kurt’s chest and sends him across the ring to the mat. Abyss delivers a choke slam, goes for the cover and gets an almost three count. Abyss takes Kurt up to slam him to the mat, Kurt breaks free and takes Abyss out by the legs. Kurt goes up to the top rope, hits Abyss with a moonsault, but only gets a two count. Kurt goes back after Abyss’s knee and is working to take the boot off of Abyss. Kurt gets the boot off and works on Abyss’s leg, ankle, knee and foot. Kurt stomps on Abyss’s ankle then switches to punches to the skull. Kurt goes up and comes off the middle rope, but Abyss catches Kurt by the throat, stands up, but Kurt again kicks Abyss in the leg and knee area. Kurt comes off the ropes, ducks under the clothesline, across the ring and off the ropes again to meet the black hole slam. Abyss only gets a two count. Abyss is back to his feet, Kurt is still down on the mat. Abyss picks Kurt up, Kurt breaks free and goes for the ankle lock. Abyss is trying to get to the ropes but they are out of reach. Abyss gets close but then Kurt drags him back into the ring. Kurt drops to the mat to put more pressure on the ankle but Abyss has not tapped. Abyss is still reaching for the ropes. The ref rings the bell after Abyss taps out. Kurt Angle retains the World Heavyweight Title.

We see James Mitchell on the monitor who has promised Abyss he is going to take him straight to hell with him and his chariot has arrived. We see something coming up through the mat. It’s a hand and it has Abyss by the ankle. Abyss is hanging onto the ropes but he can’t hold on. Abyss is pulled down under the ring.

I don’t know who was more upset about Abyss losing the match – Abyss or me. I was so sure he would have that title. It was a great match and both men did a great job. It doesn’t make up for the first match, but Abyss was his tall bad self and Kurt did a good job of taking him down and keeping him down for a good part of the match. I would like to see Abyss get more airtime and a title match again. He is good and he deserves another shot.

James Mitchell is back and whomever he has with him now seems to have Abyss. Sting may not be able to help Abyss this time. Well, James Mitchell was almost back. He did at least appear on the monitor but I would have liked to see him in the ring spinning his web of evil.

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