Live from the Chartaway Arena in Norfolk, Virginia. Our hosts are Jim Ross, Tony Shiavone, and Excalibur.
The Elite talk to the camera. The group is reeling after Kenny Omega lost the AEW title at Full Gear. Omega looks worn down from losing and announces that he's leaving to recover. He asks the Bucks to hold down the fort while he's gone, and Adam Cole thinks he's talking to him.
The Dark Order are in the ring and introduce NEW AEW World Champion Hangman Adam Page to his hometown fans. Page is sporting a big grin and a "Virginia is for lovers" t-shirt. The crowd gives him a "Cowboy sh!t" chant, to the rhythm of his music. Page cuts off the cliche "You deserve it" chant with a polite "I effin' earned it" and the fans respond accordingly. Page cuts a smart promo walking a fine line between humble and boastful, and asks the fans for permission to celebrate. They're joined by American Dragon Bryan Danielson, who become #1 contender at Full Gear. Bryan offers congratulations and a handshake. He's excited for his title match but he's a little surprised and disappointed that it won't be with Kenny Omega. Page humble brags that he defeated Omega and needed less than 30 minutes (sick burn!). Bryan says he won't dress up like a Ghostbuster on Halloween, he's coming to kick @ss, and he wrestles every week on television. Hell, when Bryan main evented Wrestlemania, he wrestled the next day, and OF COURSE Virginia boos hard work! Page wants the title match right now. Normally, Bryan would be up for it, but since Page is dressed up like a cowboy, Bryan doesn't want to beat him and have to listen to any excuses about Page not being ready. Page agrees to wait for the match, but still wants to fight, and the Dark Order have to separate them. Bryan brags that Page knows his buddies will keep him safe, so Page lunges through for a quick skirmish. This segment was total money.Tony Shiavone interviews Bryan Danielson in the ring. Bryan says Hangman's behavior forced him to kick Uno's head in. Bryan enjoyed it so much, now he wants to do the same to all Dark Order members. Next week they're in Chicago, so he challenges Colt Cabana.
A bruised MJF talks to the camera after his Full Gear match against Darby Allin. He's tired of not getting respect for his in-ring abilities.
Tony Shiavone interviews Eddie Kingston backstage, but they're interrupted by 2point0 and Daniel Garcia. They call Eddie a "sad boy" and brag that Garcia lasted longer against Punk. Eddie doesn't respect Garcia for letting two grown men talk for him. Eddie rants that he wants one uninterrupted promo and storms off to catering.
Tony Shiavone interviews FTR and Andrade El Idolo backstage. Andrade is ready to show Pac and Cody Rhodes his bad side. FTR feel like they got robbed at Full Gear, and want to recruit Malakai Black for an 8 man tag against Cody and Death Triangle. Well, this took all of about 90 seconds to get a multi-man match made. On some other shows, it would have to start as a singles match, end with interference, get restarted as a tag match, end with more interference, then restart as an 8 man tag. I guess things are different when you don't have a thousand hours of TV that you don't know how to fill every week.
Tay Conti video package. She may have lost her first PPV singles match at Full Gear, but it was a learning experience, and she will be back.
Tony interviews AEW Women's Champion Britt Baker (with Rebel and Jamie Hayter) backstage. Britt is tired of carrying the division on her back, and is glad that soon Jamie will help as TBS Champion. Tony reminds them that Jamie has to get past Thunder Rosa, and they all shush him, because YOU DO NOT MENTION THUNDER ROSA in Britt's presence. I like all of this.
Malakai Black video promo. He's game for the 8 man tag and looks forward to suffocating Cody Rhodes with toxic air.
MJF (with Wardlow and Shawn Spears) come to the ring to talk. Spears thinks its funny that MJF can beat anyone's hero with a simple headlock takeover, and demands silence from the crowd. MJF says he is the most complete package in wrestling and promises there will be a bidding war for his services in 2024. MJF feels he deserves to be the next AEW World Champion because no one in the locker room is on his level. This brings out CM Punk, leaving MJF temporarily speechless. MJF makes a calculated decision to offer a handshake, but Punk simply leaves without saying a word. Great feud starter, and should please some of the critics who feel that Punk hasn't had a serious rivalry in AEW yet.
Tony Shiavone interviews Darby Allin backstage about his loss to MJF at Full Gear. Darby holds his head up, but gets interrupted by the Gunn Club. Billy is the biggest and baddest guy in AEW and wants a match with Darby. His sons tell Darby to bring his skateboard and mock him with "I like turtles." Darby seems up for the challenge.
Adam Cole and the Young Bucks talk to the camera. Cole is sick of Christian Cage and Jurassic Express and calls Full Gear the worst night of his career. The Bucks' kids were watching Full Gear and saw their parents embarrassed. Since the Bucks aren't cleared for action, Cole will team up with old friend, Bobby Fish, to put an end to the "Jurassic Joke" on Rampage.
Martin and Rush don't have time to celebrate when Team Taz arrives. Taz has been trying to recruit Martin into Team Taz, and hopes Rush understands this is business and not personal. Ricky Starks thinks Martin has the chance for a HOF career in Team Taz. Martin isn't taking the bait… for now.
Christian Cage and Jurassic Express talk to the camera. Cage enjoyed slamming a chair onto Adam Cole at Full Gear. Jungle Boy isn't scared of the Elite, their fights have made him better. Luchasaurus offers up a roar.
Jade Cargill video package. She's got wind in her sails in the TBS tournament, but she's upset that Red Velvet put her manager's face through a cake. Who says that AEW doesn't tell stories?
AEW Tag Team Champions Lucha Bros. (with Alex Abrahantes) talk to the camera. They want FTR to stop crying after they lost at Full Gear. They have something special in mind planned for the upcoming 8 man tag.
Chris Jericho and the Inner Circle join Sammy to celebrate in the ring. Sammy shakes hands with Lethal, and the Inner Circle includes him in the party.
Final Thoughts: I am very encouraged about the creative direction of AEW following Full Gear. Hangman Page is well positioned as a top babyface champion, and recasting Bryan Danielson as a subtle heel first challenger is a bold move. Kenny Omega is stepping aside for numerous surgeries, but not without setting the stage for conflict with Adam Cole when he returns. MJF has a new dance partner in CM Punk. The TBS Championship tournament has interjected some hoped-for life into the women's division. I hope they can find something new and different for guys like Orange Cassidy and Darby Allin sooner than later, because OC's rivalry with the HFO is more than played out, and Allin mixing up with the Gunn Club is a bit worrisome. Overall, this was a hot show and a nice reset.
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