From the Nashville Municipal Auditorium in Nashville, Tennessee. Our hosts are Jim Ross, Excalibur, and Tony Shiavone. The building looks full on television, but I'm sure Twitter trolls will be sure to let us know if there are any empty sections behind the hard camera.
Video package of Kenny Omega arriving with a black eye and checking in with medical, spliced with footage of the barbaric Lights Out match with Jon Moxley at Full Gear. The doctor tells Omega to take the week off. Omega wants to know how Moxley did, and the doctor claims that Moxley is cleared to compete. You can bet that won't sit well with Omega.
Moxley takes the microphone and sarcastically asks "That one counts, right?" He says he delivered exactly what was promised at Full Gear and now Kenny Omega will never be the same again. He calls Kenny a "radical son of a bitch" but admits that he respects him for having the balls to step into the ring with him. Moxley declares that he will scorch the earth of AEW until he is the last man standing. He issues an open challenge to anyone who wants to expose themselves to real danger. I'm glad we're getting to hear more from Moxley now.
Evil Uno grabs a microphone and gives Stunt credit for showing promise despite his small stature. Uno invites Stunt to take a creeper mask and join the Dark Order! Jungle Boy doesn't give Stunt the chance to answer and throw's Uno's mic down. Uno says he respects the decision, but unleashes the creepers on the Jurassic Express. Crowd chants for Luchasaurus as the Dark Order forces Stunt to wear the creeper mask. The crowd pops huge as Luchasaurus arrives on the scene to make the one man save. He wipes out 3 creepers at once with one round house kick. Luchasaurus clears the ring of creepers and chokeslams the life out of Grayson and then hitting a standing moonsault. Luchasaurus embraces Stunt and Jungle Boy, and the Jurassic Express enjoy a moral victory. It's hard not to love this crowd pleasing moment.
Allin takes a microphone and simply states "Jon Moxley, I accept." Ah man, those two are going to kill each other.
Tony Shiavone is standing by with Allie, who is up to #4 in the women's rankings. Allie gets a cheap pop for being happy to being in Nashville, and she's ready to make a name for herself on Dynamite. The lights go out, which is becoming something of a trope in AEW, and come back to reveal Brandi Rhodes and Awesome Kong. Allie tries to cut off Kong, but she gets knocked off her feet. Kong throws Allie onto the ramp, and Brandi cuts off some of her hair to add to their trophy collection (alongside Bea Priestley's hair). This angle continues to make me nervous, but this particular segment was fine.
AEW World Champion, er Le Champion, Chris Jericho makes his entrance and receives a hero's welcome from the Nashville fans. Jericho gloats about still being the champion, having proven once again to be the greatest of all time. Jericho demands another thank you from every member of the AEW roster and office. Some fans chant "thank you" but Jericho dismisses them, saying he only wants a "thank you" from people who matter, not jackasses from Nashville. Jericho continues to just kill any unwanted fan chant or reaction dead in it's tracks. Jericho is interrupted by Cody's music and pyro, but it's really Maxwell Jacob Friedman, the man who screwed Cody at Full Gear! The crowd HATES MJF, as he orders the music off. The fans give MJF the loudest "a-hole" chant since 2000. MJF says if he didn't throw the towel in at Full Gear, their favorite wrestler's career would be over. MJF argues that the real villain is Cody, because he couldn't give a single sh!t about any of the fans, he only cares about himself. MJF says he is the only person on Earth who knows the real Cody and declares him to be a user and abuser. Fans react with a "bullsh!t" chant. MJF says the real bullsh!t is that Cody ever pretended to give a damn about him and put him under his thumb. MJF puts himself over as the new face of AEW because he is better than Cody Rhodes, and he knows it. I'm not sure I would call this promo a homerun, as it was a little cheap heaty, but it got over big time with the live crowd. MJF turns his attention to Jericho, addressing rumors that he would be recruited for the Inner Circle. Jericho puts it back on MJF, saying he heard that he wanted to be in the group. MJF says he heard he was wanted for the "Inner Circle Jerk" but thinks that like the redneck hicks in the audience, Jericho has had too much of the bubbly, if he thinks he needs the group. Jericho thinks this is funny, because they both love scarves and drinking, and thinks MJF's parents must have gotten horny watching him beat up Juventud Guerrera on WCW and gotten it on. MJF: "Who the hell is Juvie?" They can't seem to agree on whether or not MJF should join the Inner Circle and bicker about it. They agree that Cody is the biggest jackass in AEW and hug it out. Cody finally arrives on the scene and charges past producers to the ring. Cody can't hit the powerslam on MJF, but hits one on Jericho. Wardlow ambushes Cody, knocking him down with a clothesline and hitting a Death Valley Driver (that was more of an Attitude Adjustment). Wardlow chokes Cody with a tie, because this definitely isn't PG, and hangs him over the ropes. My takewaway here is that MJF is NOT joining the Inner Circle, but has recruited Wardlow to be his hired muscle. This was highly entertaining stuff from beginning to end, with these guys having a blast going into business for themselves.
Backstage, the Young Bucks are brawling with Santana and Ortiz. Matt power slams Ortiz through a table. Santana climbs a forklift and splashes the Bucks and some security guards. They brawl through a door, and Orange Cassidy is just chilling on the other side. Bucks use the distraction for a SUPERKICK PARTY and the brawl continues through a commercial break. The fight heads into the ringside area, with Matt Jackson taking an ill advised backdrop over the barricade onto the floor. Security swarms them and order seems to be restored as I enjoy a Rick and Morty commercial. Back from break, and the Young Bucks take down security with SUPERKICKS, but Ortiz and Santana retake control of the brawl on the stage. They wrap Nick's leg into the set for repeated shots from a weighted sock. Santana spray paints a target on the stage and they powerbomb Matt right through it! Brandon Cutler makes a late save, but Ortiz and Santana continue the assault. Private Party gets involved, and the fans give them a hero's welcome as Santana and Ortiz finally back off. My inner teenager loved all of this chaos.
Chris Jericho is pissed and takes it out on the guard rail to send us off the air.
Final Thoughts: Another delightful 2 hours of wrestling. I appreciated the change in format tonight with more mic work, squash matches, and extra character development. They got down to business with two good longer matches in the second hour. I think there was a little bit of everything for everyone tonight. Check this out.
Final Thoughts: This flew by and was awesome all the way through. Excuse me while I mark out. Thumbs Up.