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AEW Dynamite - November 2, 2022
by Doc Allen
Live from Baltimore, Maryland. Our hosts are Excalibur, Tony Shiavone, and Taz. Small arena crowd tonight, it seems like AEW is struggling to sell tickets in some of their previously reliable markets (roughly 3,000 fans tonight).
Darby Allin vs. Jay Lethal
They meet in the aisle for a brawl. Allin gets tossed across a table but sprints back for a tackle. Satnam Singh and Sonjay Dutt arrive to shield Lethal long enough for a cheap shot. Allin almost blocks a monkey flip into the ring steps, and hurts his bandaged ribcage. Lethal applies a Figure Four underneath some rails. Lethal nails a German suplex on the apron to set up the break. Back from commercials, Darby gouges the nose and hits a springboard coffin splash. Lethal hits a slam but Darby reverses the King's Elbow into a crucifix for 2. Darby blocks Lethal Injection and applies a Rear Naked Choke. Darby can't get a submission so he hits the flipping stunner. Darby climbs the ropes, but Lethal rolls to safety behind Singh. Darby tries a tope on Singh, but bounces right off the big man. The ref has seen enough and ejects Singh and Dutt. Just then, a fake Sting runs in to attack Darby's ribs with a bat. Lethal gets the easy Lethal Injection and wins at 8:18. It pains me to say this, but the letters "T" and "N" and "A" kept drifting through my mind during this, **.
Winner: Jay Lethal
The fake Sting is revealed to be Cole Karter. Sting's music hits, but instead we get Jeff Jarrett, who breaks a guitar over Darby. This is all my fault for referencing TNA a few minutes ago, my bad! Jeff says Darby has worshiped Sting to the point where it's become his biggest weakness. Jarrett then turns his attention to the "delusional" AEW fanbase, takes credit for influencing AEW, and promises to fill four bodybags before this is over. Choke on THAT, slapnuts. My first instinct is to hate everything about this, so I will.
AEW World Champion Jon Moxley talks about Lee Moriarty, who was denied a spot in the Blackpool Combat Club for not being quite nasty enough (yet). He wants Moriarty to be violent in their match because he doesn't have time for anything else.
The broadcast is interrupted by footage of a mysterious figure at a computer systematically erasing The Elite from AEW history.
AEW World Champion Jon Moxley (with William Regal) vs. Lee Moriarty (with Stokely Hathaway and Ethan Page)
Come on, guys, I need a banger to wash out the bad taste of the opener. Moriarty grabs a cravat, Mox reverses into a front headlock, they get a break. They exchange tight kicks until Mox takes over with punches. Mox hits an overhead throw for 2. Lee comes back with a flurry of running offense. Mox misses a head of steam into the buckles, Moriarty hits a hammerlock DDT. Back from commercials, Moxley flips Moriarty in a power slam. Lee answers by trapping Mox's arms to stomp the face. They lock knuckles and trade forearm shots until Mox explodes into a King Kong lariat! Mox then traps the arms for some proper face stomps. Moriarty counters, but Moxley counters back with an Ace cutter for 2. Moriarty fights back with a backdrop driver, but Mox pops up for a back suplex. Moriarty counters into the Motor City Stretch! Moxley reverses into hammer n' anvil elbow shots, and finishes with an armbreaker at 10:10. This is more like it, ***¼.
Winner: Jon Moxley
Moxley is immediately ambushed by Ethan Page's big boot.
Renee Paquette sits down with Saraya. Britt Baker is supposed to be here too, but she apparently decided she was too important to show up. Saraya makes the case that she's devoted her entire life to wrestling and that Britt should be grateful to have these opportunities. Saraya goes on to put over AEW for being a rebel company that she always wanted to join. Renee asks about her spinal injury, Saraya says she wants to wait to talk to one more doctor before addressing her health. Sounds like she's coming back to the ring.
Tony Shiavone chats with William Regal backstage. Regal puts MJF over but says he has a long way to go before becoming a true villain. Jon Moxley is a real demon, and MJF will have to deal with him at Full Gear.
AEW Tag Team Champions The Acclaimed rap their way to the ring for Daddy Ass Billy Gunn's birthday celebration! The fans are happy to sing the "Scissor me, Daddy!" song. Anthony Bowens gets serious to address Swerve Strickland's attack on Billy on Rampage, since he's stolen Billy's ability to Scissor. Fortunately, The Acclaimed have all kinds of cool gimmicks for Billy's birthday, including brand new SCISSOR ME foam fingers. Max Caster goes into the crowd to find the most creative fan signs to give Billy. The next present is a "World's Greatest Daddy" trophy, and I'm confused because that belongs to my father, not him. If Bowens can be serious for a minute, Billy has been a mentor and father figure to The Acclaimed, so they want him to adopt them! All they need is a signature! Fans chant "sign it!" They're interrupted by Billy's real sons, The Gunn Club, who are welcomed by "@sshole" chants. They (rightfully) feel dejected because they're Billy's real sons. Suddenly, W. Morrissey ambushes The Acclaimed from behind, and The Gunn Club join in the beatdown. FTR arrive (to a big pop) to make the timely save and clear out The Firm, and remind The Acclaimed that they want their gold. This was cute, but felt pretty scatterbrained before it was finished.
Backstage interview with Britt Baker and Jamie Hayter. Britt doesn't want to show up for Renee's parties, she's sick of AEW's conspiracies. They'll wrestle on Rampage, if they feel like it.
ROH World Championship:
Chris Jericho © (with The JAS) vs. Colt Cabana
Well, if you needed any more evidence that CM Punk isn't coming back, Cabana is getting a shot at Jericho on Dynamite. Jericho sells concern about facing Colt while the fans chant "welcome back." They shake hands, but Colt corners Jericho for some punching. Colt hits a shoulder tackle, and aggressively attacks with more striking offense. Jericho answers with stiff offense at ringside, Colt tries a top rope move, but they spill to ringside. I *think* that was a botch, but it doesn't matter much. Back from commercials, they're duking it out. Colt hits a hip attack and falling headbutt for 2. Jericho blocks the moonsault on the ropes, but Jericho reveres into a victory roll. Jericho tries The Walls, but Colt cradles him for 2. Colt fires off jabs, Jericho misses The Judas Effect, Colt reverses into the Billy Goat's Curse! Colt tries the Superman press, Hager breaks it up, so Colt moonsaults onto him! Colt hits Jericho with the Flying Apple, but Jericho answers with a Codebreaker to win at 9:17. I would have watched this for another 20 minutes, ***.
Winner and still ROH World Champion: Chris Jericho
2point0 attack ROH commentator Ian Riccoboni and hold him in place for Jericho's Judas Effect. Claudio Castagnoli makes the timely save, but he falls to the number's game. Bryan Danielson runs in for the extra save, but Sammy Guevara shows up to neutralize him. Wheeler Yuta is in next, as the brawl explodes on the stage to "Let Em fight" chants. I love this kind of chaos.
Renee Paquette talks to Death Triangle backstage. Rey Fenix feels great about his chances of becoming a double champion when he takes the All-Atlantic Championship away from Orange Cassidy. Pac bursts in to encourage Fenix to use a hammer against his enemies.
AEW All-Atlantic Championship:
Orange Cassidy © vs. Luchasaurus (with Christian Cage) vs. Rey Fenix (with Alex Abrahantes)
Not only does the winner become champion, he also gets to defend it against his "dream opponent" on Rampage. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought the entire purpose of the All-Atlantic Champion was to have a touring champion who'd defend the belt at random feds across the globe, but now it's coming across as more of a secondary championship, which I'd previously perceived the TNT Championship to be. Now, Wardlow seems to be lost in limbo as TNT Champion, and Orange is getting primo TV time instead. They start with a proper 3-way fight, and Luchasaurus gets dumped out so Cassidy can hit Fenix with sloth offense. Fenix answers with a high arm drag, but Cassidy responds with a tornado DDT. Luchasaurus returns for a double shoulder block. Luchasaurus follows with a double clothesline, so let's take a break. They return with Christian gloating on commentary while Luchasaurus dominates. Fenix throws Luchasaurus into an Orange Punch! Fenix and OC hit Luchasaurus with stereo topes, and then Luchasaurus chokeslams Fenix through a table! Luchasaurus leads OC up the ramp blocks an Orange Punch, but Jungle Boy jumps his former friend with chair shots! Jungle Boy chases Christian away and crossbodies Luchasaurus through a table! Earlier this show reminded me of TNA circa 2010, now they're reminding me of WWF circa 1999. That's a good thing (mostly). Meanwhile, Pac tries to force Fenix to use a hammer, Fenix rejects, and OC catches him in a pinning predicament. OC answers with the Orange Punch to win at 9:54! This was the best kind of overbooked Attitude Era nonsense, ***.
Winner and still AEW All-Atlantic Champion: Orange Cassidy
Pac thinks about beating Cassidy up, but Katsuyori Shibata shows up with backup from Rocky Romero and Best Friends. They clear the ring and it becomes apparent that Shibata is Orange's dream opponent for Rampage.
Backstage, Tony Shiavone is chatting with Swerve Strickland and platinum recording artist, Rick Ross. Ross is here to make sure Swerve is the biggest wrestler in the industry. Keith Lee shows up and is friendly with Ross, who wants to keep things positive because Swerve in Our Glory are #1 contenders. They are #1 in the world, so they toast, even though Keith doesn't seem too sure about what's going on.
TBS Championship:
Jade Cargill © (with Leila Grey) vs. Marina Shafir
Nyla Rose and Vickie Guerrero interrupt the match, because Rose has physical possession of the TBS title. Jade shakes off the distraction and gets a dominant start. Jade chases Rose, but decides not to get counted out, and runs back to pump kick Shafir. Jade finishes with Jaded at 2:15. I'm kind of glad they made an angle out of this instead of trying to have a competitive match, ½*.
Winner and still TBS Champion: Jade Cargill
House of Black video package. Malakai Black failed to get his AEW release, so he's making the best of things with this spooky promo. They use funeral imagery to make the case that they're still totally scary.
Video promo with AEW Interim Women's Champion Toni Storm and Jamie Hayter. They'll mett for the interim title at Full Gear. That has the potential to be all kinds of awesome.
ROH TV Championship:
Samoa Joe © vs. Brian Cage (with Prince Nana)
This is a weird AEW main event, but I'm totally on board for it. They are two powerful bruisers and feel each other out like it. Joe hits some jabs, an enziguri, and elbow drop for 2. Prince Nana provides a distraction, and Cage hits a big dropkick. Cage takes over with kicks to the midsection. Cage hits a sick German suplex, but whadya know, it's time for commercials! They return with Cage delivering a somersault senton to outside! Cage flexes his muscles to minimal crowd heat, and Joe comes back with jabs. Joe hits an atomic drop and back senton for 2. Joe hits a slick power slam for 2. Cage fires back with knee lifts and a makeshift 619! Cage hits a flying elbow for only 2! Cage hits a pump-handle slam, but JOE KICKS OUT! Joe ducks a lariat, but Cage reverses for a discus lariat! Joe reveres into a tight Rear Naked Choke for the submission victory at 11:27! Great win for Joe, and another awesome hoss performance by Cage, ***1//2.
Winner and still ROH TV Champion: Samoa Joe
Wardlow shows up to save Joe from a beatdown from The Embassy. Powerhouse Hobbs sneaks in to give Wardlow a spinebuster. This is seemingly building up ROH Final Battle and Friday's Rampage.
Final Thoughts: This was a relatively slight episode of Dynamite, in that it seems more interested in building up Friday's Rampage and ROH's Final Battle instead of AEW's Full Gear and future episodes of Dynamite. There's so much going on and it's frustratingly hard to keep track of it all. If you're a devoted viewer, you might love this, but otherwise you might be confused and looking for the remote.
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