Live from the Fertitta Center in Houston, Texas. Our hosts are Jim Ross, Tony Shiavone, and Excalibur.
The show opens with Jon Moxley and Eddie Kingston making their way to the ring to talk. They're ambushed in the stands by 2.0 and Daniel Garcia. They effectively steal the opening segment for their advertised match against Sting and Darby Allin.
2.0 (Jeff Parker and Matt Lee, with Daniel Garcia) vs. Sting and Darby Allin (Texas Tornado):
Darby sneaks in to smash his skateboard into 2.0, setting them up for stereo Stinger Splashes. They fight into the stands while fans chant "You've still got it." Garcia interferes to give 2.0 the upper hand as they head into a box suite, and Darby gets flapjacked into the ceiling. They pummel Sting against the wall and haul him back into the arena. Darby walks down the rails and splashes onto 2.0 and Garcia. Kingston wakes up to neutralize Garcia. 2.0 stop Sting from setting up a table and then suplex Darby onto his own skateboard. Sting fights back to a crowd pop, but 2.0 POWERBOMB HIM THROUGH A TABLE! Sting pops right back up and hits a stereo Scorpion Death Drop! Fans chant "holy sh!t" while Sting applies a double Scorpion Deathlock for the submission win at 6:21! This was a silly good time, and how surreal is it that we watched Sting wrestle on TNT in 2021, with Tony Shiavone calling the action? **½.
Winners: Sting and Darby Allin
Earlier today, Sammy Guevara proposed to his girlfriend in front of the live crowd and she said yes. Shawn Spears and Tully Blanchard make fun of the moment ("Slim pickings in Houston") and promise to give Sammy a turn on top when they meet in the ring later.
A bloodied Sammy plants a kiss on his fiance and celebrates with his hometown fans. AEW has really stumbled onto this amazing concept of having wrestlers win matches at home.
Tony Shiavone tries to interview Impact World Champion Christian Cage, but Don Callis interrupts to schmooze him. Christian isn't falling for the head games, because he knows that Kenny Omega is terrified of him. Also, Don isn't the smartest guy in the room, just a carny piece of sh!t.
VIdeo promo with Dante Martin, who is flying high after taking Kenny Omega to the limit. He plans on working his way up the rankings so he can see Omega again.
Tony Shiavone hosts Dan Lambert, accompanied by some MMA guys, and he rants and raves about freedom of speech and cancel culture. He dares someone to jump him when he's got former UFC champions on his side. Lambert lashes out at the fans for chanting for "AEW" and supporting a roster full of wannabe tough guys. Lance Archer has heard enough and heads to the stage, but he's jumped by Scorpio Sky and Ethan Page and stomped into the stage. And that's about it.
Chris Jericho talks to the camera. He puts himself over for surviving the first four Labours of Jericho, and it was all worth it because now he gets his hands on MJF. He may not have his music and finisher move tonight, but Le Champion will kick MJF's b!tchy a$$.
Kenny brings Christian back into the ring so he can suffer the same Elite beatdown as Jurassic Express. Christian takes One Winged Angel and Don counts the visual pinfall. Oh, Kenny is wearing a Chick Magnet t-shirt, for those of you who care about CM Punk easter eggs.
Tony Shiavone interviews AEW Women's Champion Dr. Britt Baker, Rebel, and the answer to everything that's wrong here, Jamie Hayter. Jamie says she and Britt go way back, and she couldn't resist the opportunity to knock down all the silly little girls bothering her friend. Britt promises some fun for next week.
Big Money Matt Hardy video promo, directed against the growing Best Friends stable. He'd like to break the lazy nose off of Orange Cassidy's face.
Tony Shiavone hosts Paul Wight in the ring. Tony thanks Paul for helping him in his time of need. Paul admits that it felt amazing to get back into the ring. They're interrupted by QT Marshall and The Factory. They want to spare Wight from making promises he can't keep, and QT thinks there is a reason why Tony Khan hired him to be a commentator and not a wrestler. QT shares a slideshow of Wight's recent medical history, including x-rays of his surgically repaired hip and surgery scars. Wight questions why QT would share pictures of his "big beautiful a$$" on TV, and reveals that they'll face each other at All Out. QT looks properly spooked by this news.
Mark Sterling and Jade Cargill talk to the camera. They are accepting Kiera Hogan's challenge on Rampage. Jade wants to squash her the same way Miro squashed Fuego (or whatever his name was).
Backstage interview with The Elite, who are still flying high after their latest victory. Shiavone says that Tony Khan has had it with them, and the next Young Bucks' title defense will be inside a steel cage. Taz introduces FTW Champion Ricky Starks to the fans. Starks has branded himself "For the World" and calls out Brian Cage. The camera finds Powerhouse Hobbs ambushing Cage somewhere backstage. Been a lot of sneak attacks tonight, eh? Anyways, this feud continues to be totally bland, and is diminishing everyone involved.
Tony Shiavone interviews Death Triangle. Pac accepts Andrade's challenge for All Out. Andrade and Chavo interrupt to change the conditions… which I guess we'll learn about later.
Tony Shiavone talks to Arn and Brock Anderson. Arn is trying not to get emotional, but he's really worried that Brock is going to get hurt when he wrestles Malakai Black. Brock cannot be dissuaded and will meet Black next week.
Video promo with TNT Champion Miro. He is loving his life of serving God by day and his hot wife by night. He now has his sights set on Eddie Kingston.
Jon Moxley talks to the camera. He's annoyed by Kenny Omega and everyone else who is ahead of him in line for the title. Moxley carried AEW through uncertain times as champion. He's going to make an example out of Daniel Garcia on Rampage.
Final Thoughts: This was a loaded Dynamite with various pay-per-view level matches and a rare Sting match. I found myself feeling a little more bothered by some of the things that are overdone (constant ambushes, interview interruptions) and the feuds that aren't working (Cage vs. Team Taz, whatever Dan Lambert is supposed to be) so I wish there'd been a tad more editing of the script this time around. Still, at the end of the day, Dynamite is FUN, and I can say that without any conditions.
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